51. Chih-Chen Wei 魏志真, Composer/2014/10

Chih-Chen Wei 魏志真, Composer

Chih-Chen Wei is an active composer. Her recent compositions has been played by Taipei philharmonic Youth orchestra, member of Los Angeles Percussion Quartet (Nick Terry), Dharma drum mountain choir, Soprano Stacey Fraser, Tenor Andrew Crane, Violist Hsiaopei Lee, Flutist Glendy Chien, Pianist Slawomir P. Dobrzanski, Chialin Hsieh, Charleen Liu, Kelly Anderson, Jocelyn Hua-Chen Chang, and among others. Her work “Between Stream and Hills V – Odyssey” has collected in the album Viola Works By American Female Composers, recorded by violist Prof. Hsiaopei Lee and pianist Dr. Chialing Hsieh, released by Centaur in 2014.

In addition to being the recipient of MetLife Creative Connections Grant from Meet the Composer (2009), Chih-Chen Wei was awarded Subito Grant from the American Composers Forum (2010), Chamber Music Award from National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (2010), Stanley Wilson Composition Award from UCLA (2002), Clifton Webb Fine Arts Award (2001), Carolyn Alchin Endowed Award (2003) and the honorable mention in the Music Taipei Composition Competition (1999). She also served as resident composers for Los Angeles Chamber Singers (2002), the 4th Annual Thailand International Composition Festival (2008), and National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (2010).

Her works have been selected and performed in the concert of Society of Composers, Inc., Region VI Conference at Oklahoma City University and Kansas State University, UCM New Music Festival 2011 at University of Central Missouri, 7th Annual Festival of Contemporary Music in San Francisco, Asian Composers League in Korea, National Association of Composers/USA in Los Angeles, University of Southern California, Chapman University, Cantai Music Festival in Taipei, Thailand International Composition Festival, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Composition Workshop, and among others.

Born in Taiwan, Chih-Chen Wei entered the National Taiwan Normal University, earning a Bachelor of Music. She then completed her Master of Music at the University of California, Los Angeles, and her Doctor of Musical Arts with academic honors and distinction, Pi Kappa Lambda, from the University of Southern California. Her composition mentors include Chinary Ung, Stephen Hartke, Donald Crockett, Paul Chihara, Ian Krouse, Shyh-ji Chew, and Ting-Lien Wu. Currently, she resides in Southern California.


魏志真是一位活躍的作曲家,作品經常獲選發表於北美、南美及亞洲:曾任 Los Angeles Chamber Singers駐團作曲家。作品也曾被選在美國Society of Composers, Inc. 的會議中發表 – 於奧克拉荷馬大學、堪薩斯州立大學以及密蘇里大學。另外,獲選發表的音樂節包括: 第七屆現代音樂節 (舊金山)、亞洲作曲家連盟 (韓國) 、美國國家作曲協會(洛杉磯) 、泰國國際作曲音樂節 (曼谷) 、UCM 新音樂節(密蘇里)….等等。同時,她也是行政院文建會所屬國立台灣交響樂團「建置音樂創作與行銷平台」99年度「鼓勵創作徵選」入選作曲家,她也入 圍了2010-2011兩廳院樂典─國人音樂創作甄選。

近期的演出包括與台北愛樂青年管弦樂團、逸致三重奏、 Los Angeles Percussion Quartet 的打擊樂家 Nick Terry、女高音 Stacey Fraser、男高音Andrew Crane、中提琴家 Hsiaopei Lee 、鋼琴家Slawomir P. Dobrzanski 等的合作或者委託創作。作品 ” Between Stream and Hills V – Odyssey” 收錄於中提琴家李筱佩教授錄製的美國女性作曲家中提琴作品集中,在2014上半年度由Centaur公司發行。

她所獲得的獎項包括Subito Grant ( 由 American Composers Forum)、MetLife Creative Connections Grant (由Meet the Composer Ford Foundation)、Stanley Wilson Award、 Clifton Webb Fine Arts Award、Carolyn Alchin Endowed Award、Graduate Division Award (由University of California, Los Angeles)、1999音樂台北音樂作曲比賽、臺灣省作曲比賽、國家文化藝術基金會及台北市文化局補助獎金等。

出生於台中縣,魏志真就讀於曉明女中音樂班時經教育部資優甄試,以榜首進入國立臺灣師範大學音樂系。畢業後,進入美國洛杉磯加州大學 (UCLA)取得理論作曲碩士,爾後獲獎學金進入南加州大學 (University of Southern California),取得音樂作曲藝術博士。她曾師事於潘世姬, 吳丁連, 柯芳隆, Paul Chihara, Ian Krouse, Stephen Hartke 及 Chinary Ung教授。