61. Elizabeth S. Chen 李秀麗, Vocalist/2014/10

Elizabeth S. Chen 李秀麗, Vocalist


Elizabeth S. Chen was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1944.She was graduated from Music Department of NTNU in 1966, majored in Vocal and minored in Piano. Her grateful teachers are Mrs. Su-fen Lai and Mrs. Chiu-gin Lin.She taught music in Kaohsiung middle school for two years after graduation.Then she went to the US and studied “Master Degree of Art” in SUNY Binghamton,New York State University and graduated in 1971.Her thesis was entitled as “The Analysis in Music of Taiwan Aboriginal A-mei”which was under the supervision of Dr. Chianis .

As a music teacher, she devoted herself 30 years in teaching children piano and vocal. She was also involved in church choir and Taiwanese community music program. She served as a music conductor in Orange County Presbyterian Church,EFC in Orange County and EFC in Irvine. She’s also the founder and conductor of “Southern Orange County Women Choir” (1989~1996), and “Laguna Wood Village Taiwanese Chorale”(2009~2013). She published a CD “I miss you, Mama” with 16 traditional Taiwanese songs in 1997, and a solo recital CD “Fly with the Wings of Song” in 1998.

1966 畢業於師範大學音樂系,主修聲樂副修鋼琴。在學中聲樂師於賴素芬,林秋錦。畢業後兩年服務於高雄煉油廠國光中學。1971 取得SUNY Binghamton紐約州立大學 Master of Art . 碩士論文是「原住民阿美族的音樂分析」。師於Dr.Chianis 論文指導及 Dr. Schlosser 聲樂。

數十年持續於兒童音樂教育,她也熱衷於參與基督教教會的詩班及指導,以及台灣人社區合唱團,先後在柑縣長老敎會,柑縣台福敎會,及愛恩台福基督敎會 擔任詩班指揮,也創立南柑縣婦女合唱團七年(1989-1996),拉古奈物台灣人合唱團四年(2009-2013)。曾出版編作CD 及樂譜「阿母我想念您!」及個人演唱會CD「乘著歌聲的翅膀」。