64. Shiau-uen Ding 丁曉雯, Pianist

Shiau-uen Ding 丁曉雯 , Pianist


A native of Taiwan, pianist Shiau-uen Ding is an energetic performer of traditional and contemporary repertoire. She studied piano with Eugene Pridonoff, Elizabeth Pridonoff, and Lina Yeh, computer music with Mara Helmuth and Christopher Bailey, and contemporary improvisation with Alan Bern at National Taiwan Normal University and University of Cincinnati, where she received her doctoral degree. She lives in New York City.

She has performed in France, Germany, Belgium, China, and throughout the US and Taiwan. She was called a daredevil by The New York Times for her performance at Bang on a Can Marathon and a powerful force on the new music scene by Array for her performance at Spark Festival in Minneapolis. She has collaborated with internationally renowned performers and composers, including Steve Reich, Michael Kugel, George Tsontakis, who refers to her rendition of his Ghost Variations as a monster performance, and Moritz Eggert, who dedicated his Hämmerklavier XIX: Hymnen der Welt (Afghanistan bis Zimbabwe) to her. She has recorded for Capstone, Centaur, Innova, and Electric Music Collective.

鋼琴演奏家丁曉雯生長於台灣,自國立台灣師範大學音樂系畢業後赴美求學,獲美國辛辛那提大學音樂院碩士及博士學位。主修鋼琴,先後師事於葉綠娜教授 及普立德諾夫教授;並與瑪拉‧赫爾慕絲、克李斯多夫‧貝理教授學習電腦音樂,以及與世界知名東歐猶太音樂演奏及教育家亞倫‧伯恩教授學習現代音樂即興。

現居於紐約的丁曉雯勇於嘗試各種挑戰,參與許多不同類型的演出:除了持續鑽研傳統古典音樂曲目,更活躍於現代音樂、電腦音樂等相關領域之表演,不但 培養出專業獨特的現代音樂演奏技巧與詮釋風格,更是許多知名作曲家樂於合作的對象,其中包括史提夫‧萊西、喬治‧聰塔季斯等,聰塔季斯曾形容丁曉雯演奏他 的作品 “Ghost Variations” “時如猛獸一般” – 技巧和詮釋都很讓人興奮!另外,德國作曲家莫理茲‧艾格特將一首名為“Haemmerklavier XIX: Hymnen der Welt”的作品題獻給她。

紐約時報形容丁曉雯「大膽刺激」的演出,國際電腦音樂協會(International Computer Music Association)所發行的古典電腦音樂雜誌 “列陣”(Array)譽丁曉雯為「現代音樂樂壇的新勢力」。她至今已灌錄過多張唱片;除了致力於豐富多元的演奏事業外,曾創立專門演出與多媒體藝術結合 的室內樂團「NeXT Ens」,在其擔任音樂總監。此外,她曾在英國劍橋大學出版社出版的Organised Sound期刊發表過一篇文章 「鋼琴與電子結合音樂的演奏技巧」,頗受矚目。
