華府亞太裔傳統週 Asian-Pacific American Heritage Week, Washington, D.C. / TAA-Greater Washington, DC
美國國會於1978年通過在毎年五月來慶祝亞太民族的文化(Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month,或稱 Fiesta Asia)。 1999年柯林頓總統進一步宣布母親節之後的一週做為台美人傳統週(Taiwanese-American Heritage Week)。
華府是美國的政治中心。 華府台灣同鄉㑹於1967年成立。 此後同鄉㑹就參加各種活動,特別是每年五月的亞太節和台美人傳統週,以及七月四日的美國國慶日遊行。
這些活動由華府台灣同鄉㑹主辦,並且邀請許多社團參加,包括華府台灣學校,華府婦女會,華府合唱團,華府客家同鄉會,華府長樂會,巴爾的摩同鄉會,台美人媽媽教室,台美文化舞蹈協會,台灣人電腦協會,北美台灣人教授協會,華府台灣文化中心,等等。 幾年來台灣政府會派一支文化團隊來美國巡迴。 華府是必經之地。 這個文化團隊通常變成最吸引的節目。
台美人傳統週的活動與亞太傳統月的活動同日共同舉行。地點都在華府最重要的寛廣大道,賓州大道 (Pennsylvania Ave),即從國會通往白宮的一段路。 台灣的攤位比其他族群的攤位接近國會,也是在很多觀眾的舞台旁邊。 攤位內介紹台灣,客家,與原住民的鄉土藝術和文物,還有抽籤算命,毛筆寫名,兒童揘麵,民俗童玩等,更常有台灣特別的可表演又好吃的剉冰。
整個亞太與台美人的慶祝會只有一天,選在五月的某一個星期六。 一共有幾十個攤位和好幾個表演舞台。 如果台灣派來一支文化團隊,同鄉㑹㑹租另外場地做特別的表演。
In 1978, the US Congress passed a resolution to designate the month of May each year as “Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month,” also known as “Fiesta Asia.” In 1999, President Clinton further announced that the week after the Mother’s Day be “The Taiwanese-American Heritage Week.”
Washington DC is the political center of the United States. The local Taiwanese Association was formed in 1967. Since then, the Association has been very active in various events, especially those related to the Asian-American Heritage Month and the Taiwanese-American Heritage Week. It has also participated in the annual Independence Day parade on July the Fourth.
These activities have been organized by the Taiwanese Association, with helps from many Taiwanese clubs and groups, including the Taiwanese School, Women’s Club, Choir Club, Hakka Association, Senior Society, Baltimore Taiwanese Association, Mothers Club, Dance Club, Computer Association, Association of Taiwanese Professors, Culture Center, etc. The government in Taiwan would regularly send dance and arts groups to tour the United States during the month of May, especially for the Taiwanese-American Heritage Week. These groups would always come to Washington DC. Their performances would become special attractions.
The annual celebrations for the Fiesta Asia and the Taiwanese-American Heritage Week have been coordinated and held on the same day at the famous Pennsylvania Avenue. This avenue is known as “America’s Main Street,” connecting between the White House and the US Capitol. These celebrations occupy 3 or 4 long blocks on the side of the Capitol. The Taiwanese booth is normally nearest to the Capitol, by a very active performance platform, thus attracting a lot of people. Inside the Taiwanese booth, there have been many displays and demonstrations, including various cultural artifacts of different ethnic groups in Taiwan (such as Hakka and the native peoples), fortune telling, calligraphy, making flour figurines, popular Taiwanese toys for children, etc. The demonstration of making shaved ice with an antique machine has attracted a lot of interest.
The celebrations last only one day on a Saturday in May. There are close to one hundred of booths, areas, or platforms for different ethnic and cultural groups for display, food, demonstration, etc. When there is a dance or art troupe from Taiwan, the Taiwanese Association would make an arrangement for special performance elsewhere.
These cultural celebrations help different groups of people understand one another better and thus make it possible to create a more peaceful world.
(By 徐頌鵬 Sung-peng Hsu 11/27/2015)