Important Event, Activity and News Happened in Taiwanese American Community during 2015 (32 listings suggested by Taiwanese American Organizations and individuals)
- The passing of Mr. Tyzen Hsiao 蕭泰然, Prof. Alexander K. Young 楊慶安, Dr. Fu-Tong Hsu 徐福棟, Dr. Edward Cheng 鄭德昌 and Mrs. Tina Chang 張丁蘭.
- 民進黨主席蔡英文總統候選人成功的訪問美國,受到台美人及美國政界的熱烈歡迎。
- 吳澧培傳紀出版并在台灣暢銷,直接宣揚台灣人及台美人的心聲。
- 台美史料中心積極收集台美人史料,擴充內容:
- The digitization of all published issues of Taiwan Tribune in 3 DVDs.
- The creation of the North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award (NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎) and the “NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award” (NATPA 廖述宗教授研究獎金).
- Taiwanese Food and Culinary Culture Festival, sponsored by TAA/St. Louis/KS.
- The success of the 2015 Taiwanese Summer Conference /East Coast, managed by TAA/New Jersey.
- The invitation of 8 Young leaders and 12 graduate students in U.S. Universities from Taiwan to participate in the annual meeting of NATPA in August .
- The establishment of the Overseas Support Association for Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen’s 2016 Campaign for the Presidency of Taiwan (海外小英後援會) 及助選團成立.
- Musical concerts in southern California and around the United States held to highlight the contribution of Tyzen Hsiao in the field of music.
- 北加州台灣同鄉聯合會1月31日(星期六),在庫比蒂諾市王朝海鮮酒家舉行春節年會。500多名台美鄉親及來賓歡聚慶祝羊年新春。
- The Westchester Taiwanese Women’s Association’s 40th anniversary celebration.
- 台美文藝-2015(台美人筆會出版)
- 2月28日星期六,北加州台灣同鄉聯合會於聖荷西台美長老教會,舉辦228紀念音樂會。有祖孫三代,有美國生長的第二代台美青年到場聆聽,約二百多名鄉親來參加228哀悼音樂會
- 北美洲台灣人教授協會南加州分會慶祝卅週年
- 北加州台灣會館4月11日晚間歡迎為台灣醫療奉獻一生,被暱稱為「譚爸」、「譚媽」的美國醫師譚維義(Frank Dennis)和譚秀麗(Sally Dennis)。
- 由北加州台灣同鄉聯合會主辦的年度台灣文化節,5月9日在舊金山聯合廣場舉行,七小時的表演節目和美食,過往遊客逾萬親身體驗台灣文化。
- Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement students’ speaking engagements at numerous Taiwanese American Summer Conferences and camps.
- The rally for UN Membership for Taiwan in New York.
- The election of Ms. Stephanie Chang to the Michigan House of Representatives as the first Taiwanese American to be elected to that legislative body.
- The Passport to Taiwan event in New York.
- 劉蘇多惠出版兩本珍貴的相簿-咱要出頭天(革命篇)和(社團篇).
- Dr. Lisa T. Su’s appointment as the Chief Executive Officer and President of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).
- 北加州台灣同鄉聯合會等社團組成的「蔡英文北加後援會」,主辦演講會及餐會,於6月7日。
- Recognition of Outstanding Alumni Awards to Taiwanese Americans, Dr. Tu Chen (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Hwalin Lee (UCSF School of Medicine).
- 吳春紅女士榮獲加州第十選區的亞太裔傑出領導人物,於六月十二日。
- 葛原隆、吳瑩瑛編著的「晚風習習木長青」於台灣的基督教文字出版協會每兩年舉辦一次的金書獎甄選中,被選為「生活類」入圍好書。
- 民進黨矽谷支黨部和台灣同步慶祝民進黨黨慶,9月19日(星期六)在庫比蒂諾市王朝海鮮酒家舉行慶祝會,邀請「董事長樂團」與知名歌手「朱頭皮」獻唱。
- 台美人陳文成紀念盃網球比賽,在Fremont市的Community Tennis Center舉行,9月12日。
- 台獨聯盟美國本部(WUFI-USA)and other 7 Taiwanese American organizations co-sponsored[台灣原住民文化宣達團] 美/加巡迴表演, touring five west coast states and 14 cities for one month and one day.
- “Taiwan Yes Festival (台灣夜市)”, sponsored by TAA / Houston in Taiwan Center / Houston.