9. 施哲三 Sam Shee

施哲三博士 Sam Shee

0 Sam Shee施哲三博士


1938 出生於彰化縣埔鹽鄉南新村

1951 好修國小畢

1957 員林高中畢

1964 高雄醫學大學醫科畢

1965 留美高深醫學

1968 梅育 (Mayo Clinic) 醫學研究所,專攻病理學及核子醫學

1971 執教威斯康辛大學醫學院客座教授。獲取病理學及臨床病理學專家

1972 獲取核子醫學專家

1976 膺任馬利特教學醫院 (Meriter Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin) 病理科主任及化驗所所長

1977 創設病理醫技學院 (Institute of Pathological Technology) 首任院長

1980 MBA-西北大學 企管碩士

1990 創立唯生化驗公司 (Vital Med Laboratories),五年後與羅氏大藥廠合併

1991 國際醫企諮詢

1994 棄醫從畫完成處女作〔美與樂〕

1995 美國五大城市巡迴40幅油畫個展

1996 台灣北南巡迴個展

1998 東京巡迴個展

1999 巴黎巡迴個展

2000 海嵐美術館典藏個展

2002 巴黎大凱旋門藝術中心油畫個展

2003 台視藝文沙龍個展。八月開始雕塑

2004 跨洲亞歐北美南美油畫巡迴個展 – 台北、芝加哥、巴黎、布宜諾斯艾利斯(阿根廷)

2004 台灣巡迴個展-花蓮、彰化及林口

2005 跨國巡迴個展-台灣桃園-長流美術館及美國明尼蘇達卅洛澈斯特市-梅育醫學中心

2006 台灣員林油畫個展

2007 台灣竹山油畫個展

2010 芝加哥美術館會員參觀施哲三海嵐美術館油畫及建築與花園


2011 雕塑與油畫特展- 海嵐美術館及海嵐公園藝術中心





跨年晚會”施哲三藝術音樂慈善饗宴”- 台北市維多麗雅

2012 海嵐美術館典藏特展油畫及雕塑


2014 海嵐美術館台北分舘油畫特展

著作 – “生命的永恆”

1995 從醫學到藝術心路歷程

1996 出版施哲三油畫選集 (一)

1998 出版施哲三油畫選集 (二)


2003 出版施哲三油畫選集 (三)

2005 施坤鑑著: 「埔鹽鄉藝文人物誌-國際畫家施哲三博士」

2007 陳須美撰文:「畫中有話」找到一份交心的喜悅

2012 高鷹、曾博義及施哲三著詩畫集:「繆斯翩翩」

美術館 – “典藏創作成果”

1998 創辦“施哲三海嵐美術館”於芝加哥北郊區文化市-海嵐公園

2014 創辦“施哲三海嵐美術館 -台北舘”於台北市士林陽明春天文創區


1938 Born in Changhua, Taiwan and excelled as a child in Chinese Calligraphy.

1957 Graduated from Yuanlin High School.

1964 Doctor of Medicine from Kaohsiung Medical University and served one year in the army

1965 Moved to the United States of America for higher education in medicine.

1966 Anatomic Pathology at the Institute of Laboratory Medicine.

1968 Clinical Pathology and Nuclear Medicine at Mayo Clinic.

1970 Discovered a new measurement for red cell survival and awarded the young investigator in research by the Society of Nuclear Medicine.

1971 Taught Medical School at the University of Wisconsin. Certified as Medical Specialists in the fields of Anatomic Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Nuclear Medicine.

1976 Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Director of Laboratory Medicine at the Meriter Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin.

1980 MBA degree from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.

1984 Founded Vital Med Laboratories, Northbrook, Illinois and five years later merged with Hoffmann-La Roche pharmaceutical company.

1988 Permanent member of the Doctors Mayo Society.

1990 Consultant to various businesses, hospitals and universities internationally.

1993 Began oil painting in December and completed the first painting of “Beauty & rejoicing”, 24 x 36 inches in the following January.

1995 Published the Path from Medicine to Art.

Solo tour exhibitions in the United States – Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.

1996 Published art catalog, Shee – a Reflection of Life, volume I.

Solo tour exhibitions in Taiwan – Taipei, Changhua and Kaohsiung.

1998 Published art catalog, Shee – a Reflection of Life, volume II.

Solo tour exhibitions in Japan – Nerima Art Museum and Meguro Museum of Fine Arts, both of Tokyo.

Biography of Shee-Successful Variations in Life, by Erica Casperson.

1999 Established Musée Highland, Highland Park, Illinois as artist studio for creating artworks.

Solo tour exhibition in France – Centre de Art de la Cathedrale Americaine et Centre Culturel Chinois, both of Paris.

2000 Established Shee Studio and a living quarter in Paris.

2001 Permanent exhibition at Highland Musée.

2002 Published art catalog, Meditation Sur La Vie, volume III.

Solo exposition at la Grande Arche, La Defense, Paris.

2003 Solo exhibition in Taiwan at the Taiwan Television Enterprise in Taipei.

2004 Solo international exhibitions in Taiwan, Chicago and Paris, Buenos Aires.

2005 Solo tour exhibitions in Taiwan – Hualian, Changhua and Taipei.

2006 Solo tour exhibitions in Taipei, Highland Park, Mayo Clinic.

2007 Solo exhibition in Yuanlin, Changhua, Taiwan at the community library.

Mrs. Island Chen wrote a descriptive book “Words spoken in Paintings” based on more than 50 Shee’s oil paintings. This book combined liberal arts of literature and fine art of paintings has been well received by those art enthusiastic readers immediately following its publication in April.

2008 Solo exhibition in Zusan, Nantou, Taiwan at the Shinzong memorial library.

2010 Art on the move, Shee Highland Musée visited by Art Institute of Chicago members.

Solo exhibition of oil paintings in St. Louis, Missouri

Shee Garden of Sculptures unveiling, Peace, Hope, Lady Love, & Heart to Heart.

2011 Solo exhibitions of oil paintings and sculptures:

The Art Center of Highland Park, Highland Park, Illinois.

Fifth Third Bank and the Shee Highland Musée, Highland Park, Illinois.

NATMA Annual Convention Special Exhibition in Washington DC.

Tianquan exhibition of oil paintings: Bali, New Taipei City.

The New Year Party “Shee art, music and charitable dinner”, Victoria Hotel, Taipei.

2012 Special Exhibition of oil paintings and sculptures at the Shee Highland Musée. Special advisor to the president of the Business Professional women Asssociation & Participation of its United Nations with TV interview & Asia Pacific Conferences.

Published art & poems book-Muse of Love, Peace & Hope, by Yoda, Mohe and Shee

2014 Established Shee Highland Musée in Taipei, Taiwan at the Yangming Spring. Solo exhibition at the Shee Highland Musée Taipei.


1 Le Passage et La Passion天梯

LE PASSAGE ET LA PASSION 天梯, 88 x 162 inches, oil on canvas.

2 Flying High昂揚

FLYING HIGH 昂揚, 36 x 48 inches, oil on canvas

3 Dawn晨曦

DAWN 晨曦, 40 x 50 inches, oil on canvas

4.菡萏有情Lilies' Crown

菡萏有情, 48 x 72 in, oil on canvas


PEACE 和平, 108x60x36 inches, natural woods, steel, and masonry

Source from 施哲三 Sam Shee

Posted in 09/2014



For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 1105. Sam Shee 施哲三