16, 2016 – A milestone for Taiwanese Americans!
For many Taiwanese Americans, a true democratic country with justice and freedom for Taiwan has been our dreams. We spend time reading, writing, talking about it, and participating in many activities, even risking lives. The DPP party has been our hope to obtain our dreams. On January 16, 2016, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairwoman Dr. Tsai Ing-wen was elected as the next president and her party will also gain control of Legislative Yuan for the first time. God Bless Taiwan!
Many Taiwanese Americans have been playing significant roles in this election. The followings have been recorded on our website:
- T. A. communities welcomed Dr. Tsai during her U. S. visit from May 29 to June 29 in 2015.
A large number of T. A. gathered to support her emotionally and monetarily in Los Angels, Chicago, Washington D. C. , New York, Huston, and San Francisco. T. A. also contributed her visit to key persons in the U. S. Congress and government. The visit is voted to be the #1 important event of T. A. community in 2015. Please click the links below to view more information.
- Friends of Tsai Overseas 2016.
2016年台灣總統及立委大選海外小英後援會/助選團 established in a number of U. S. Cities. Many T. A. went back to Taiwan and involved in election campaign activities throughout the island until the last minutes of the election. Please click the links below to view more information.
- Over 2,000 of T. A. returned to Taiwan to cast their votes, for her and her party:
- Ms. Bi-Khim Hsiao(蕭美琴), a T. A., won the legislator election in Hualien (花蓮) Taiwan :
- Support Group海內外學術界蔡英文、陳建仁後援會.
A number of T. A. in Taiwan and in the U. S. established a support group, initiated and leaded by Prof. Ming-Liang Lee李明亮教授, a T. A. returned and currently residing in Taiwan.