348. Wei-En Hsu 徐惟恩, Pianist / 2016/07

Wei-En Hsu 徐惟恩, Pianist


A recent graduate of the Juilliard School, Mr Wei-En Hsu , pianist, organist, conductor, répétiteur and composer, is now having a busy performing career throughout the States, Europe, and Asia. A native of Taiwan, he received his BFA degree in Piano at Taipei National University of the Arts, and was pleased to be the only candidate at The Juilliard School, New York selected to Royal Academy of Music, London as an exchange student, studying with Malcolm Martineau and Aaron Shorr during 2004-05. While at Juilliard, he was a student of Jonathan Feldman and Margo Garrett.

An active solo pianist and chamber musician, Mr. Hsu has performed throughout the US, Germany, France, Belgium, Australia, China, South Korea, UK, Turkey, Israel, Romania and Taiwan.

Mr Hsu has worked as a répétiteur for Music Academy of the WestOne World SymphonyBritish Youth OperaAspen Opera Theatre Center, andOpera Company of Brooklyn for their opera productions. He also has the abilities of coaching in Italian, German, French, English, Latin, as well as in Russian, Korean, Mandarin, and Taiwanese. Recently he had written the Taiwanese libretto for the opera project at Manhattan School of Music. His choral composition was also premiered in Germany last summer. In 2006, he was invited to the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme in Aldeburgh for the Russian Song Masterclass with Sergei Leiferkus and Semion Skigin. Mr Hsu is now enrolling in the DMA program at Rutgers University, under the instruction of Prof. Barbara González-Palmer. Starting last autumn, Mr Hsu joined the opera coaching staff (Artist Diploma) at College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati,

Mr Hsu is the winner of many awards, recently including Scott Huxley Piano Accompaniment Prize, Major Van Someren-Godfery Prize Accompaniment Award(2004), Ludmilla Andrew Russian Song Prize Accompaniment Award, Sir Arthur Bliss Prize(2005), as well as a Distinction Performance Award from RAM.

Mr Hsu made his debut recital at Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall last March, as well as debut performances in deSingel, Belgium last Feb. Recent engagements including conducting appearance at CCM for Ariadne auf Naxos in March, as well as a chamber concert at Weill Hall at Carnegie Hall this May. He is named a Stern Fellow in SongFest 2009, and has just been awarded the Sing for Hope Grant for Arts Activism and Community Outreach. During the season 2009-2010, Mr Hsu will join theOpera Company of Brooklyn Resident Artists as a pianist/coach/conductor. Upcoming activities including musical directing “Children of God” for Euphonixs, Inc, and “Footloose” for the American Drama and Dance Studio.


2010年美國洛杉磯國際李斯特鋼琴大賽得主徐惟恩,近年來除鋼琴演奏之外,並以指揮家、作曲家、管風琴家、大鍵琴家、聲樂指導 ﹝英、德、法、義、拉丁、俄、中、台、韓、挪﹞之身份活躍於亞美歐樂壇。由於對巴洛克音樂的喜愛,他對於古風音樂有其一套的詮釋及見解;同時也積極與當代作曲家合作,並尋求創新及多元的表演。

曾應邀巡迴全台各地並前往德、澳、中、韓、日、美、英、法、比、義、土耳其、以色列、羅馬尼亞等地演出;並多次應邀於紐約卡內基廳、林肯中心、西雅圖班納若亞音樂廳、雪梨歌劇院、香港大會堂、台灣國家音樂廳等地演出。並與義籍男高音Angelo Marenzi、 中央歌劇院宋學偉、重慶歌劇院張禮慧、茱莉亞聲樂教授Robert White、紐約愛樂首席長號Joseph Alessi、大都會歌劇院指揮Gregory Buchalter等多位藝術家合作演出。

曾參與加州聖塔芭芭拉Music Academy of the West音樂營(2004)、英國Britten-Pears Young Artists Programme(2006)、Aspen Opera Theatre Center(2008)、SongFest(2009),均有極高的評價。2005年暑假受聘為英國青年歌劇團聲樂指導,在美期間也多次擔任One World Symphony, Opera Company of Brooklyn, Amore Opera聲樂指導。



2004年十一月獲英國皇家音樂院Scott Huxley Piano Accompaniment Prize

2005年三月獲英國皇家音樂院Major Van Someren-Godfery Prize Accompaniment Award

五月再獲英國皇家音樂院Ludmilla Andrew Russian Song Prize Accompaniment Award及 Sir Arthur Bliss Prize以及特優演奏文憑(Diploma of postgraduate performance with Distinction)

2009年獲為希望而唱(Sing for Hope)基金會藝術行動與社區推廣獎,並被加州SongFest音樂營名為Stern會員,並於次年再度邀請成為音樂營講師

2010年出版『遇見你 ─ 次女高音翁若珮聖樂獨唱專輯』,擔任演出者、編曲家、及製作人,並參加『美國獎』指揮組進準決賽,及獲『洛杉磯國際李斯特音樂大賽』鋼琴組優勝

2012年參加義大利Luigi Mancinelli國際歌劇指揮大賽,進入準決賽

其合唱作品”Ich lobe Dich, Herr!”2006年七月於德國首演,獲得極大迴響。 最新作品琵琶四重奏《福斯特幻想曲》2010年十一月於台灣做世界首演。


徐惟恩先後畢業於國立台北藝術大學音樂系,紐約茱莉亞學院研究所。鋼琴曾師事鄭怡君、陳郁秀、林和惠、Jonathan Feldman、Margo Garrett、Malcolm Martineau及Aaron Shorr。曾為茱莉亞學院唯一獲選,前往英國倫敦皇家音樂院為期一年交換學生,並於辛辛那提音樂院接受歌劇教練藝術家文憑之訓練。

For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 509. Wei-En Hsu 徐惟恩

Source from 2016 Taiwanese American Conference / East Coast

post in 07/2016