356. Kaiyin Huang 黃凱盈, Pianist / 2016/08

Kaiyin Huang 黃凱盈, Pianist

黃凱盈Kaiyin Huang is an trained pianist and one of the contributing artists of 88 Concert Tours, a program that invests in various musical humanitarian projects around the world. Since 2008, 88 Concert Tours have visited Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, and Egypt, and have hosted concerts in Cairo Opera House. In 2014, Kaiyin and 88 Concert Tours held the first ever music festival in Yangon, Myanmar, the Myanmar International Music Festival, that brought international musicians together with Myanmar’s.

Regionally, 88 Concert Tours has performed in over 50 concerts under the “Taiwan 88″ program to more than 13,000 students in Taiwan. The Taiwan 88 program aims to bring classical music concerts to schools all across Taiwan, especially rural areas.

Born in Taipei, Kaiyin gave her first performance at the National Concert Hall in Taiwan at the age of 14. She received her music degrees from the Juilliard School, the Yale School of Music, and her Doctor of Musical Arts from SUNY Stony Brook University. She has performed at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and other renowned concert halls around the world. Kaiyin’s musical talents have been praised by the Thisted Dagblad of Denmark as a pianist with “superb finesse, exceptional sound and technical control [that] were convincing and beautiful”.


曾在德國Golsar被譽為「能在鋼琴上駕輕就熟,隨心所欲的音樂家」;丹麥Thisted Dagblad更表揚具有「細膩的音樂性及純熟的技巧,在音樂上的處理是如此的扣人心旋即具說服力」。出生於台北市的鋼琴家黃凱盈畢業於茱莉亞音樂學院、耶魯研究所,2012年5月自紐約州立大學石溪分校取得博士學位,十四歲登上國家演奏廳,十七歲與臺北市民交響樂團於國家音樂廳首演協奏曲,在求學期間演奏足跡遍及美洲、歐洲、亞洲各國,曾於紐約卡內基、林肯中心等知名音樂廳演出,也曾擔任耶魯大學音樂系鋼琴教學助理以及紐約州立大學音樂系室內樂教學助理。



For more information, please click in music: 1251. Kaiyin Huang 黃凱盈 

Post in 2016/08