Feng-Hsu Lee 李豐旭, Composer
Feng-Hsu Lee, a composer, has received numerous composition awards. His The Sky Warrior for Orchestra was the honorable mention and audience’s choice award of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Composition Competition (2016); A Kite with a Broken String for Orchestra was the semi-finalist in the orchestra music professional division of the American Prize in Composition (2016), and the honorable mention of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Composition Competition (2015); Lament of Autumn Leaves for Solo Alto Saxophone and Wind Ensemble was the honorable mention of the First Asia Pacific Saxophone Composition Competition (2015); Hualien for Mixed Chorus was the merit award of the Taiwan Choral Association Composition Competition (2015); Meteor Impacts for Orchestra was the finalist in the orchestra music professional division of the American Prize in Composition (2015), and the orchestra members’ choice award and audience’s choice award of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Composition Competition (2014); Five Bagatelles for Piano and String Quartet was the first prize of the Washington International Competition for Composition (2012); Unbearable and Watery Eyes for Violin, Percussion and Piano was the finalist of the Eighth Thailand International Composition Competition (2012); The Track of Time for Orchestra was the runner-up of the Minnesota Orchestra Composer Institute (2010); Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet was the honorable mention of the Chamber Music Rochester Young Composer Competition (2009); Monologue for Solo Violin and Chamber Orchestra was the Anthony and Carolyn Donato Prize of the Eastman School of Music (2008); Four Shapes of Taipei for Solo Piano was the second prize in the Literature and Arts Creation Award of the Ministry of Education in Taiwan (2008); Missing White Peonies for Voice and Piano was the merit award of the Taiwanese Folk Song Competition held by National Taipei Educational University (2006); Guarding for Voice and Piano was the silver prize of songs in the 41st Armed Forces Golden Statues Awards during his compulsory military service in the Ministry of National Defense Symphony Orchestra (2005); Three Dances for Solo Cello was the selected work in the François Salque’s score call sponsored by Council for Cultural Affairs (2003); Percussion Quartet was the first prize of the Taipei Percussion Composition Competition (2002); Phantasy for Violin and Piano was the selected work in call for scores held by National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center (2002); String Quartet was the first prize of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra International Composition Competition (2001).
His compositions have been performed in many music festivals, including 2016 Asian Saxophone Congress (Chiayi, Taiwan), The 34th Asian Composers League Conference and Festival and The Second Asia-Europe New Music Festival (Hanoi, Vietnam), International Double Reed Society 2015 Conference (Tokyo, Japan), The 32nd Asian Composers League Conference and Festival (Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan), XV Festival Eleazar de Carvalho (Fortaleza, Brazil), International Double Reed Society 2013 Conference (Redlands, CA, USA), Louisiana Bass Fest (Baton Rouge, LA, USA), Percussive Arts Society International Convention (Austin, TX, USA), The Eighth Thailand International Composition Festival (Bangkok, Thailand), Hartford New Music Festival (Hartford, CT, USA), The First Asian Double Reed Association Conference (Bangkok, Thailand), World Saxophone Congress XV (Bangkok, Thailand).
Until now, he has accepted commissioned works from the Council for Cultural Affairs Taiwan, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, YinQi Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Central Connecticut State University Chamber Players, Performance 20/20 of the Hartt School, Taipei Century Choir, Tabernacle Women’s Choir, Taiwanese Choral Society of Rochester, Chiasong Ensemble, Lien Percussion, Composition VII Saxophone Quartet, and Sylvanus Ensemble.
Currently he works as a senior lecturer in the music department of Cultural Centre at University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). He holds the degrees of music composition from The Hartt School, University of Hartford (DMA), Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester (MM), National Taiwan Normal University (MFA) and Soochow University (BL, Music), studying with Larry Alan Smith, Stephen Michael Gryc, Robert Carl, David Macbride, Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon, Carlos Sánchez-Gutiérrez, and Gordon Shi-Wen Chin. He has also participated in masterclass with William Bolcom, Eric Moe, Kyle Gann, Chen Yi, Zhou Long, Xiaogang Ye, and Narong Prangcharoen. For more information, please visit his website: http://fenghsulee.com
李豐旭,台灣雲林縣人。他的作品曾多次獲獎,包括管絃樂曲《天空戰士》獲得2016年國立台灣交響樂團青年音樂創作競賽的佳作作品和觀眾票選獎,管絃樂曲《斷線風箏》入圍2016年美國大獎之專業作曲家管絃樂類別的半準決賽作品與獲得2015年國立台灣交響樂團青年音樂創作競賽的佳作作品,薩克斯風協奏曲《秋葉悲歌》獲得2015年第一屆亞太薩克斯風作曲比賽榮譽獎,無伴奏混聲合唱曲《花蓮》獲得2015年台灣合唱協會新韻之聲詞曲創作甄選計畫之優選作品,管絃樂曲《流星撞擊》入圍2015年美國大獎之專業作曲家管絃樂類別的決賽作品與獲得2014年國立台灣交響樂團青年音樂創作競賽的樂團團員票選獎和觀眾票選獎,鋼琴五重奏《五首小品集》獲得2012年美國華盛頓國際作曲比賽第一名,為小提琴、打擊與鋼琴的《難以承受的痛楚與眼眶的淚》入圍2012年泰國國際作曲比賽的決賽作品,管絃樂曲《時光軌跡》獲得2010年美國明尼蘇達作曲家學會獎第二名,《豎笛五重奏》獲得2009年美國羅徹斯特青年作曲家室內樂作曲比賽榮譽獎,小提琴協奏曲《獨白》獲得2008年美國伊士曼音樂院的 Anthony and Carolyn Donato 作曲獎,鋼琴獨奏曲《台北形狀》獲得2008年教育部文藝創作獎的音樂作曲類優選作品,歌曲《思念白牡丹》獲得2006年國立台北教育大學台灣歌曲比賽佳作作品,歌曲《守望》於國防部示範樂隊服役期間獲得2005年第41屆國軍文藝金像獎音樂歌曲類之銀牌獎,為大提琴獨奏的《三首舞曲》入圍2003年文建會 François Salque’s score call 的決賽作品,《擊樂四重奏》獲得2002年第二屆中華民國青年作曲家打擊樂作曲比賽第一名,《絃樂四重奏》獲得2001年國立台灣交響樂團徵曲比賽第一名。
迄今曾接受過行政院文化建設委員會、長榮交響樂團、音契合唱管絃樂團、美國中央康州州立大學室內樂團、美國哈特音樂院 Performance 20/20、台北世紀合唱團、幕聲合唱團、美國羅城愛鄉合唱團、嘉頌重奏團、連雅文打擊樂團、第七樂章薩克斯風四重奏、Sylvanus Ensemble 等團體之委託創作。
目前他任教於馬來西亞吉隆坡馬來亞大學(University of Malaya)文化中心音樂系。他獲得美國哈特音樂院(The Hartt School, University of Hartford)音樂博士、美國伊士曼音樂院(Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester)作曲系音樂碩士、國立台灣師範大學音樂研究所作曲組藝術碩士、東吳大學音樂系作曲組學士,作曲師事 Larry Alan Smith、Stephen Michael Gryc、Robert Carl、David Macbride、Ricardo Zohn-Muldoon、Carlos Sánchez-Gutiérrez、金希文教授。也曾參加 William Bolcom、Eric Moe、Kyle Gann、Narong Prangcharoen、陳怡、周龍、葉小剛的作曲大師班。個人網站網址:http://fenghsulee.com
Source from南灣台灣基督長老教會
For more information please click in who’s who:1602. Feng-Hsu Lee 李豐旭