396. Harmony Yang 楊心新, Pianist / 2017/05

Harmony Yang 楊心新, Pianist

Dr. Harmony Yang, Pianist, was bom in Buffalo, NY, raised in Taiwan, was a Fulbright Award finalist in 2013, and has performed Bartok’s Piano Concerto No.3 with University of Maryland’s Repertory orchestra in 2011 and Grieg’s Piano Concerto in A Minor with Taiwan’s Taipei Sun Philharmonic Orchestra in 2009. In addition to being a music director at Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington, she is also a faculty member at Suitland High School, Woods Academy, Northwood High School, and Montgomery College. Her students have received scholarships to attend Towson University, Shenandoah University, Oberlin Conservatory, Roosevelt University, and University of Maryland. She currently resides in Maryland with her husband and twin sons.


台中縣人,新竹科學園區實驗中學雙語部國小、國中、高中畢業。負笈加拿大,就讀加拿大魁北克 省蒙特婁市麥基爾大學音樂學院(Schulich School of Music, McGill University),主修鋼琴演奏,獲音 樂學士。之後前往美國繼續進修,獲美國辛辛那提音樂院鋼琴演奏碩士,2016完成馬里蘭大學鋼琴 合作博士,並受聘擔任華府台灣基督長老教會音樂主任,同時兼任於Suitland High School、 Northwood High School、Montgomery College、和 Woods Academy。


Source from Taiwanese Presbyterian Church of Washington 02/2017

For more information please click in who’s who: 1635. Harmony Yang 楊心新