408. Frank C.H. Chen陳治煌 , conductor / 06/2017

Frank C.H. Chen陳治煌 , conductor

臺大電機系畢業,加卅大學聖塔芭芭拉分校電機碩士、合唱經驗豐富,曾任臺灣大 學合唱團指揮、音樂訓練及指導老師,帶領該團參加大專合唱比賽名列前茅,並在該團的歌劇 公演《典獄衛士》中擔任導演、指揮與製作。大華府海天合唱團創辦人之一,陳治煌曾擔任該 團九屆指揮,2012 年起,接任臺大校友合唱團共同指揮之職。陳治煌目前是 Freddie Mac 公司 資深系統工程師,業餘熱愛合唱與排球運動。

Frank C.H. Chen (Conductor). Frank C.H. Chen holds a BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from the National Taiwan University and the University of California at Santa Barbara, respectively. He served as conductor and music teacher of the National Taiwan University Chorus (NTUC) for three years while he was a student at the university. He also directed, conducted and produced the first NTUC public performance of the Opera “Yeomen of the Guard” by Gilbert & Sullivan. After moving to Maryland, Mr. Chen co-founded the Haitien Chorus and served as conductor for nine terms. Frank and his wife Amanda have been serving as NTUAC-DC Chorus conductors since 2012.


Source from: 紐約福爾摩沙合唱團http://ntuac-dc.org/doc/2015NTUAC-DC&NYFC_ConcertProgram_Draft5-24-15.pdf

More information please click in who’s who: 1708. Frank C.H. Chen 陳治煌