Irvine台灣基督長老教會槍擊案 1死5傷
【林宜瑩採訪報導】位在美國南加州橙縣Irvine(爾灣)台灣基督長老教會,當地時間5月15日下午1點半左右發生槍擊案,來自拉斯維加斯1名疑似亞裔、年約68歲的兇手,闖入教會用鐵鍊將大門鎖死後,便持槍向教會內正在午餐的會眾掃射,當中有位鄭姓醫師(Dr. John Cheng)英勇上前欲奪下兇槍時,遭兇手朝胸部連開3槍當場身亡,主禮講道的張宣信牧師則是趁兇手換彈匣的片刻,用椅子砸向兇手,眾人上前壓制,並臨時找到電線將其綑綁起來。目前美國警方正在了解、偵訊兇手,已知該槍擊案造成至少1死5傷的慘劇。
台灣基督長老教會(PCT)總會普世幹事鄭明敏表示,在與當地牧者聯繫後得知,Irvine教會現任牧師李輔仁(台福),因前往Santa Monica教會,代理剛手術的陳美蕙牧師主持主日禮拜,剛好Irvine教會前任牧師張宣信在美,便邀其回來主理,當禮拜結束後,會友特別備餐在教會內款待張宣信牧師夫婦時,兇手竟趁此時闖入逞兇,由於事出突然,槍擊案發生時現場一片混亂,陪同很久沒到教會聚會的母親前來的鄭姓醫師,為阻止歹徒行兇,上前欲搶奪其槍枝時卻反遭開槍躺臥血泊中,另有至少5人受到槍傷,目前暫無生命危險。
據目擊者表示,兇手被警方偵訊時口操華語,事後美國警方證實是中國移民(Chinese immigrant),由於該案被美政府視為重大社會事件,美國聯邦調查局(FBI)已介入調查,因在短短1週內,便發生兩起疑似種族仇恨的槍擊案。
大家 平安:感謝大家的關心更需要您們的禱告!已經有幾晚無法入睡,有剛到美國的時差、週六下午有個27個人參加歡迎我們的Pot luck小組聚會,晚上為週日的敬拜與可以看見許多老朋友而興奮的睡不著,5/15如此美好的敬拜,如此歡樂的午宴,忙著與許多的好朋友分組照相,忽然間槍聲震耳欲聾,兇手連發可能有十發以上的子彈。
約莫十分鐘大批荷槍實彈的警方才來到,我不知道有多少人受傷,也太多的思緒、疑惑、眼淚⋯救護車怎麼來的那麼慢?警方控制現場,我們一下被帶到這裡,一下又換那裡,連上廁所都不行,消防局、Orange County 警局,可能還有聯邦的調查員,還有許多Chaplain 與志願者陪伴著我們,提供飲水與漢堡,事發時間應該是一點半左右,許多兄姐先離開,較慢離開現場的我們有37個人被當目擊者留置,他們可能有SOP 確定整個教堂周遭都安全,還帶狗來嗅各處,最後五六點時,我們被帶到Geneva 教會的主禮拜廳,等候一個個分別的詢問,我是最後被問訊的,因大批媒體等在外頭,我們留在案發現場的東西與車子都不能動,警方用Bus分批在我們到較遠的Shopping mall才放我們回去,我叫我兒子來載我們。
回到家將近十點。目前五位傷者都無大礙,有人已回家,有動手術的大概三四天後也能出院。我的心很痛,為年輕鄭醫師的媽媽與家庭,我與他的父母很親密,他的堂叔鄭俊郎醫師是我在Venture 牧會時的好朋友,因這層關係,我到ITPC牧會時與鄭俊曉醫師也非常的要好,他兩個兒子也都是醫師,是很好的基督徒,是個很好的家庭,因語言關係,年輕的John Cheng並不在我們教會,幾個月前,我得知他父親安息的消息,寫了封信並請人代轉我們的關懷,但鄭太太似乎一直還未走出憂傷,聽說鄭俊曉醫師過世後(可能也因疫情關係)她都沒來禮拜。
Source from: 台灣教會公報
Elderly Taiwanese Church in California Attacked by Shooter
Image: Ringo Chiu / Getty ImagesA gunman attacked a Taiwanese Presbyterian congregation gathered at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, California, on Sunday.
Members showed “exceptional heroism and bravery” as they overtook the gunman, who killed one person and wounded five.
A celebratory Sunday luncheon for the former pastor of a Taiwanese congregation in California ended in “grief and disbelief” when a gunman opened fire, killing one person and injuring five others.
Visiting from Taiwan, the longtime pastor of Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church knocked down the shooter, preventing the intruder from reloading and firing at more of the aging congregation, according to news accounts. Members were then able to use an extension cord to hogtie the shooter and disarm him.
The incident took place at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, California, where the Taiwanese church has met for the past decade.
Sunday’s luncheon—a tradition that had been on hold during the pandemic—resumed in honor of the return of their longtime pastor Billy Chang. According to the Los Angeles Times, Chang pastored Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian for 21 years and left in 2020 to lead a church in Taiwan.
Authorities said 30 to 40 members were gathered when the suspect, an Asian man in his 60s, opened fire with two handguns. The church’s current pastor, Albany Lee, told The New York Times that no one recognized the shooter and it was the visiting pastor who subdued him. Several accounts describe Chang hitting the gunman with a chair.
Orange County law enforcement applauded the congregation’s response as a display of “exceptional heroism and bravery” that prevented the situation from becoming worse.
On Monday, the sheriff called the attack a “a politically motived hate incident” and said the suspect—David Chou, a Chinese American from Las Vegas—held animosity toward the Taiwanese community. Authorities opened a federal hate crime investigation.
John Cheng died on the scene after launching to action to stop Chou and being shot multiple times. Cheng, a 52-year-old doctor, had accompanied his mother to church that day.
Four were in critical condition on Sunday. One suffered minor injuries. The oldest victim was 92.
“There is a lot of grief and disbelief among the congregation,” Yorba Linda councilwoman Peggy Huang, who is Taiwanese American, said in the Orange County Register. “This was supposed to be a joyous occasion.”
The banner photo on Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian’s website depicts about 150 church members posed at the front of their sanctuary, almost all of them older and graying. The vast majority of Laguna Woods residents live in a retirement community called Laguna Woods Village.
The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan is the island’s largest denomination, and some Taiwanese immigrant churches in the US come out of the Presbyterian tradition.
Both Geneva Presbyterian Church and Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian are listed as part of the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Los Ranchos Diocese, which includes 44 churches in eight languages. Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian proudly continues to conduct services in Taiwanese.
“We use our own language and culture to worship God,” reads a message on the church website from Lee. “Although we don’t have our own church building, we are thankful to Geneva Presbyterian Church and their generosity, allowing us to share their facility.”
“Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church is a family of love,” wrote the pastor. “I hope that all brothers and sisters can become acquainted with each other on a deeper level.”
A member of the nearby Evangelical Formosan Church of Irvine said the two congregations had shared family and leaders.
The attack occurred a day after a mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York, grocery store, and a few months after another deadly incident at a California church.
For Taiwanese Americans, the tragedy comes amid ongoing concerns for safety—particularly for elders—amid anti-Asian violence during the pandemic.
“God, have mercy. 1 dead, 5 injured at a Taiwanese church today in Laguna Woods, California,” tweeted Michelle Ami Reyes, vice president of the Asian American Christian Collaborative. “Another precious Asian image bearer’s life tragically lost. How many shootings will we be forced to bear witness to this month?”
The Faith Based Security Network has tracked more than 500 fatal attacks in churches from 1999–2018, and the tally of incidents each year is climbing.
“Churches are intended to be safe sanctuaries from hate and violence,” said Orange County district attorney Todd Spitzer. “That serenity was shattered this afternoon by a gunman who unleashed unspeakable violence in a house of worship.”
Source from: Christianitytoday
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Post on 05/18/2022