129. Care for Taiwan by Taiwanese American (台美人顧台灣) : 20, NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」/NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念獎」委員會/2015/04

Care for Taiwan by Taiwanese American (台美人顧台灣) : 20, NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」

作者NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念獎」委員會

2015年第一屆「NATPA 廖述宗教授紀念獎」公告

宗旨:北美洲台灣人教授協會 (North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association NATPA) 藉由「廖述宗教授紀念獎」肯定並獎勵對於台灣的人文、科技、社會或政治有卓越貢獻的個人、團隊或團體,以紀念廖述宗教授一生對台灣的熱愛與奉獻,並發揚光大廖述宗教授於1980年創立 NATPA 回饋台灣社會的精神。

獎金:本紀念獎由 NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念基金」每年頒發兩萬美元給一名或二名得獎者 〈若有二名得獎者則獎金均分〉。


徵選辦法:每年3月初公佈徵選辦法。由有關院校或社團推薦,或者由 NATPA 會員推薦。推薦文件包括推薦函三封(最多五封)及被推薦者的簡歷(最多20頁),用漢字或者英文書寫皆可,由推薦者以電子郵件寄到 NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念奬」委員會的電子郵件地址即可。

評審辦法:由 NATPA 「 廖述宗教授紀念獎」委員會的7名評審委員,擔任審查工作並選出得獎者名單。

日期:(1)推薦日期- 每年3月1日到5月1日。(2)公佈得獎日期- 每年6月初公佈得獎者名單。(3)頒獎日期:每年8月初 NATPA 年會期間。

NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念獎」委員會



Announcement of the First Annual Award for“NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award”

Purpose: The North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association (NATPA) is pleased to announce the creation of “NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award,” to honor the Association’s founding father Prof. Liao for his lifetime devotion and contributions to Taiwan, and for nurturing the spirit of giving back to our homeland (回饋台灣社會). The award is to be given to an individual, academician or practitioner alike, or a group, or an organization who has made a significant contribution to Taiwan in the areas vital to Taiwan’s future.

Award amount: “NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award Fund” will provide an award of US$20,000 to one or two awardees each year. (If two, the total amount will be divided evenly.)

Qualification: The primary purpose of this award is to affirm the awardee(s), for long-term efforts and significant contributions to Taiwan or to affirm the awardee(s) who has/have demonstrated a high degree of potential to make significant contributions to Taiwan. The recipient(s) of the award, either residing in Taiwan or overseas, should also have demonstrated support for the principle of Taiwan’s sovereignty and Taiwan’s subjectivity, and/or have contributed to the strengthening of democracy, human-rights, and sustainable development in Taiwan.

Nomination process: NATPA will make the announcement in March every year. Universities, professional associations, civic organizations, or NATPA members can nominate candidate(s). Nomination documents, acceptable in English or Hanji, should include: three letters of recommendation (but no more than five letters) and resume of the nominee (no more than 20 pages), and should be sent by the nominator to NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award Committee by email.

Selection Process: NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award Committee (seven members) will review all application documents and make the selection decision.


Nomination: March 1 through May 1; Announcement of the award decision: Early June;

Award ceremony: at NATPA’s annual conference in August.

NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award Committee

Coordinator: Je-Chin Han

Email Address: jechin.han@gmail.com

源自NATPA 「廖述宗教授紀念獎」委員會