Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy 海外台灣青年陣線
「海外台灣青年陣線」源於北美各地聲援太陽花運動的組織串連。青年陣線希望透過相互學習與合作,持續關心台灣群、連結國際公民社會,並培養投人社會改革、獨立建國的人才。青年陣線認為,公民意識的培養與深化是台灣成為一個更公平正義、多元包容的國家的第 一步。海外台灣青年陣線即以此自許,希望團結北美台灣青年培力公民意識、形塑台灣認同,進而 推動獨立建國的目標。
• 建立臺灣獨立新論述,推動國家正常化,化解主權危機
• 捍衛臺灣民主,鞏固基本人權,落實公民參政,推動憲政改革
• 抵抗中共對臺灣、亞洲友邦主權、民主、自由的侵略
• 提升臺灣國際地位,連結國際公民社會
• 追求公義、多元,推動臺灣成為族群、階級、性別平等的社會
【The Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy Manifesto】
It was March 2014. Taiwanese student activists occupied the Parliament to protest the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA) forced through legislative floor without proper screening. The occupation, commonly known as “The Sunflower Movement,” witnessed a new phase of civic consciousness in Taiwan. Overseas Taiwanese students, sharing the domestic sentiment, found their prompt alliance successful in captivating international coverage of the event as well as the attention of overseas Taiwanese communities. Their solidarity, spontaneous in appearance, draws from a long lineage of overseas activists who, though denied access to Taiwan, held fast to their quest for freedom and democracy.
The coalition of domestic and overseas students saw its zenith on March 30th when Taiwanese students staged numerous protest rallies at major cities around the globe, echoing the five hundred thousand demonstrators at the Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Building in Taiwan. Together, they demanded the “withdrawal of the unlawful CSSTA.” Rather than an overnight outburst, the Sunflower Movement marked the culmination of a perennial pursuit of democracy, a centennial endeavor of anti-colonization and democratization.
The fledgling democracy in Taiwan has endured and survived many challenges. The emergence of “the Sunflower Generation” was the direct response to the most prevalent of these: the neoliberal threat posed by Beijing’s relentless attempts to annex Taiwan. Since Lehman Brothers, China has been able to capitalize on the Taiwanese government’s compromise of democratic process and social justice for the sake of economic profit. Menace of this sort, easily overlooked when the government fails to recognize the concept of “justice as fairness,” (in the words of John Rawls), can only be countered with mature and accountable civic consciousness.
Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy is an alliance of students and young professionals whose beliefs align with those of the Sunflower Movement and whose vision for Taiwan is rooted in the same determined devotion to democracy that has characterized generations of Taiwanese. Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy is dedicated to maintaining the Sunflower Movement’s momentum, calling attention to local issues, and sustaining international channels of communication between civic societies, in the hopes of perpetuating continuous reform and enhancing Taiwanese democracy. We resolve that the cultivation of civic consciousness shall lead to equal society regardless of ethnicity, gender, and class; that the emergence of a civic society shall cement the unshakable foundation of Taiwanese society; that Taiwan as a nation shall eventually ascend to sovereignty through comprehensive social justice.