52. World Festivals by TAAMN / 明州台灣同鄉會 萬國節文化展回顧 (1987-2019) January 27, 2015 Admin3 Photos of Activities 1987 Festival 1990 Wedding 1991 Fable, Fair, Tale and Folklore 1993 Festival 1994 Tapestry 1995 World of Children 1996 Ethnic Market 2000 Celebration of Seasons 1999 Wedding Tradition 2001 Costume and Adornment 2002 Global Homes and Gathering Places 2003 Children of the World 2004 Ethnic Celebrations 2005 Celebrating Ethnic Tradition 2007 Toys, Games and Sports 2008 Art and Architecture 2009 Transportation and Invention 2010 Folklore and Heroes 2011 World Markets 2012 Ethnic Celebrations and Events 2013 Children Our Past and Future 2014 Peace Among the People 2015 International Arts 2016 Folklore and Fairy Tales 2017 Rituals and Ceremonies 2018 Now and Then: Exploring Historical and Contemporary Cultural Traditions 2019 World Festivals and Celebrations 源自 明州台灣同鄉會 Related Posts:1360. 大華府台美人長樂會 2019-2021 年刊886. MSCI永續發展中心成立 台裔李宜玲出任創始負責人 | 09/202379. Jensen Huang, Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2021848. 僑務委員白越珠獲拜登總統簽發的白宮終身成就獎 |07/2022863. 台生技創業家賴正光捐8億 美大學系所為他改名 | 12/2022