986. 華府台灣基督長老教會2012「願景」獻堂特刊 / 華府台灣基督長老教會 / -/2012/Magazines/雜誌


986_華府台灣基督長老教會2012「願景」獻堂特刊 - 0001牧師的話






除了工程進度耽延了近半年,我們經費的缺口還不足約100萬,一個挑戰接著一個挑戰中,我想起一個故事:在1880年代,費城有一位小女孩Hatti May Wiatt到教會參加主日學時,因為教室太小,她只能站在教室外聽老師講耶穌的故事,後來她努力存錢想幫助教會蓋大一點的教堂(室),好容納更多的孩子。可惜她只存了57分錢便因病去世,哀傷的父母將她57分錢的心意交給牧師,牧師在講道時提到了這個故事。這個小女孩的57分錢,拋磚引玉地感動許多人奉獻,結果不但買了土地,幾年後,一間可容納3300人的教堂(Temple Baptist Church)蓋了起來,有3萬多學生的天普大學(Temple University)蓋了起來,好撒馬利亞人醫院(Good Samaritan Hospital,今天的Temple University Hospital)蓋起來,當然主日學大樓也蓋了起來。





  1. 充滿“平安”的教會:教會有了“平安”(peace),也就是說教會對內及對外的關係漸漸和諧,不只使教會得到增長,也得到上帝的喜悅。馬太5:9(登山寶訓)中提醒我們:“使人和睦的人有福了,上帝要稱我(他)們為兒女。”就是這個道理。
  2. “被建立”的教會:意思是信仰得到堅固(strengthened),被上帝堅固的前提是我們願意謙卑順服,願意放下自我,願意在聖靈的引導下成長、更新,活出有馨香氣味的信仰見證,這不只是強調信仰教育的重要,更是提醒我們個人屬靈生命的追求與長進的重要,也就是讀經和祈禱的生活,同時這也是一個健康教會、會成長的教會的特質與指標。
  3. “凡事敬畏上帝”的教會:基督徒宣認上帝在宇宙以及我們個人生命和家庭的主權,我們也強調一切榮耀歸給上帝,這是基督徒應該有的態度,也是我們行事為人的原則。一個敬畏上帝的教會,不只是一個有愛心、有智慧的教會,更會是一個有見證的教會。
  4. “蒙聖靈的安慰與扶持”的教會:得到聖靈的幫助和鼓勵(inspired、encouraged)的教會,必然是充滿活力(dynamic)的教會,而不是“固執”於某些傳統或意識形態,更不是只“單顧自己的事”的教會(腓立比書2:4)。今天,上帝託付給我們的建堂事工,順利完成的秘訣在於倚靠聖靈的帶領。沒有錢當然蓋不起來,但是有錢,卻沒有順服聖靈的引導,導致原來在建堂過程中的不同意見或衝突,在建堂完成後,逐漸浮出檯面,這也是不少教會在建堂之後,或者教會造成分裂或者牧師離開,就是這個原因,就像詩篇127:1所說:“若不是耶和華建造房屋,建造的人就枉然勞力;若不是耶和看守城池,看守的人就枉然警醒。”這是我們應該互相提醒的。

“平安、得建立、敬畏主、蒙聖靈鼓勵”的結果,是上帝使得救的人日日加添給我們,是我們邁向建堂之路的鑰匙。我們華府台灣基督長老教會就像一棵茁壯的大樹,40年來,歷經風吹雨打依然能夠屹立不移,這是上帝的恩典;但是我們還有傳福音的夢和願景(vision),期待這棵大樹能成為許多小鳥可以來棲息做窩的地方,同時也可以結出許多甜美的果實來的樹。而不是只是一間外表富麗堂皇,裏面卻缺少生命的禮拜堂,如此,終將倫為讓人參觀的“蚊子禮拜堂”而 已。


耶穌告訴我們(約翰15),祂是葡萄樹,我們是枝子,我們必須“每日”連結在耶穌身上,才能有生命與活水(living life and water),更重要的是,我們還願意讓耶穌來修剪枝子,如此才能結實累累。“住在基督裏”,常常親近主耶穌,才會有豐盛的生命。






As I look at our new church that all of us have collectively built together, words fail to express the joy that I feel.

Ever since the ground-breaking worship service on October 2, 2010, I always caught myself eagerly awaiting the day that the woods would transform into our new church. By the time the land was cleared in December of 2010, I could scarcely believe that this was truly happening and felt myself holding back tears of happiness.

Before the monumental moment of grouting the foundation on March 22, 2011, we first had to endure numerous hardships, including revisions to our blue prints and responding to legal issues and complaints. By early May, the foundations were completed and led us smoothly into putting up the steel frames and working on the roofs in June. August brought the excitement of setting up the walls and then finally laying the bricks by the end of the month. Bit by bit, our church was starting to take shape, with drywalls, glass panels, and glass doors by the end of October. Remarkably, the ceilings of the Sanctuary were installed on October 28, with the final piece of the Peace Hall completed on December 9, 2011. Thank God that our yearlong construction was coming to an end! And just a few days into 2012, we successfully set up our utilities, tested and running. All that was left was waiting for the permit (final inspection).

Through the course of our construction delays of half a year, we also had to face the challenge of a funding shortage of a million dollars. These obstacles seemed to appear one after the other in the face of our mission, but one particular story comes to my mind when I think about these hardships we encountered.

In the 1880s, there was a little girl named Hatti May Wiatt in Philadelphia, who adored the Sunday school classes at her church. However, she was unfortunately crammed in a tiny classroom in which she could only stand outside the room to hear the stories of Jesus. She was determined to save every penny she could to help her church build a larger place of worship. Sadly, she passed away to a terminal ailment not long after and her savings for the church added up to a total of 57 cents. Her grief-stricken parents gave the 57 cents to their pastor, who in turn told this story in his Sunday sermon. This touched many hearts and slowly, donations to the church trickled in and a few years later, Temple Baptist Church was built, with the amazing capacity of seating 3,300 individuals. From the small catalyst of 57 cents, a Temple University and the Good Samaritan Hospital soon followed the new church.

One may wonder at what 57 cents could possibly do, but think of the poor widow in Luke 21:1-4 with the 2 small copper coins; God wants to accomplish miraculous things through us, even if it is through 57 cents or 2 coppers. I pray that God continues to bestow willingness and cheerfulness upon us, that we may ac­complish miraculous wonders of His work.

During the worship service of our 2010 retreat, I shared Acts 9:31 in hopes of encouraging our brothers and sisters to learn from the early Christians, who still nurtured their faith in the face of oppression and continued to testify for the Lord amidst countless challenges. In the same manner that the disciples did not waver in their faith, I continue to pray and ask God to bestow his endless blessings upon us.

“Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace and was strengthened. Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.” (Acts 9:31). It seems that after Paul’s conversion, the early Christians endured less oppression. This passage provides great guidelines and serves as an excellent reminder for us all during this time of construction and our “new church.”

  1. A church that is filled with “peace”: The internal and external relationships that we create and nurture can become harmonious when we have peace. This in turn not only furthers the growth of the church, but also pleases the Lord, as the scripture reminds us, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
  2. A church that is firmly “built”: The prerequisite of our faith being strengthened is our willingness to be humble and obedient, to surrender ourselves, to grow and renew under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is not just a reminder of the importance of faith and spiritual formation; it is also a reminder to us about the importance of spiritual growth—in terms of reading the Bible and praying. These are the characteristics for a healthy and fruitful church too.
  3. A church that “fears God”: As Christians, we confess that God is the creator of the universe and has the sovereignty over all the creatures. All the glory should be to God alone. This is what we need to remember each day. A church that fears God will become a church filled with love and wisdom. And this, naturally, will become a church of witnesses.
  4. A church that is “encouraged by the Holy Spirit”: When the Holy Spirit descends upon a church and fills each individual with its power, the church becomes dynamic and open-minded; it does not dwell on traditions or ideologies, and it does not act selfishly for its own interests and gains (Philippians 2:4). Today, God us entrusted us with the task of building a new church. The secret to successfully build a church lies not within financial means; it lies within wholly relying upon the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Think back to our construction period. If for example, we had failed to follow the Holy Spirit, and as a result, created some hidden friction and conflicts, then most of the time, this outburst of dissatisfaction will emerge after the construction and will often be the cause of the church division and/or pastor’s leaving his/her ministry. We must constantly remind one another, “Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain” (Psalm 127:1).

The result of “having peace, a strong foundation, fearing the Lord, and inspired by the Holy Spirit” is the key that God will “add to [our] number those who [are] being saved” (Acts. 2:47) and this construction will be completed smoothly.

Over the past 40 years, TPC has matured from a young tree into a large and sturdy tree that can withstand all types of turmoil and hindrances. Remember, this is only because of God’s grace. We continue to have our dreams and visions that we may share the good news and spread the gospel to more than just within our small community. We want our tree to be a welcome nesting place for birds, a safe haven for those who seek shelter, and a tree that bears many fruits to feed those that come hungry. It is our hope and desire that TPC does not become just another pretty but empty sanctuary.

I would like to remind all our brothers and sisters that a growing and healthy tree must have strong and far-reaching roots to provide sufficient nutrients. To provide our church with these healthy roots, we must deepen our own roots in our faith. You may think it’s an outdated cliche, but reading the Bible, praying, and daily devotions are crucial to our daily lives. Many Christians’ spiritual lives nowadays are not just mediocre, but are severely lacking compared to God’s expectations. Metaphorically speaking, it is as pointless as if one who refuses to eat healthily and refuses to exercise, yet still expects and hopes for a healthy body.

Jesus has told us in John 15 that He is the vine and we are the branches. We must continue to abide in Jesus Christ to obtain the living water and life. Most importantly, we must open our hearts to Jesus and allow him to prune and guide our branches to become more abundantly fruitful. To have a fulfilling and plentiful life, we must continue to abide in Jesus Christ and be near Him.

However, we are not just the branches on Jesus’ vine; we are also the bread that Jesus took in his hands in Luke 24: 13-35. Two disciples went to Emmaus after Jesus’ resurrection but failed to recognize Jesus when they met Him until He “took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them” (Luke 24:30). Jesus chose us, took us in His hands, and sent us on our way to spread the good news. And not only did Jesus choose us, but he gave thanks for us, blessed us, and made us his vessels to share God’s word and share His blessings.

Though we all have different talents, one aspect remains consistent: God has a purpose for each and every one of us. Every individual that God has chosen has his/her own mission and goal in life. But first, we must let God break us, renew us, and create us as the proper vessels to share His love with the world. We must cleanse ourselves of our sins so that God can bless others through us. We pray that the Lord will break our selfishness, our pride, our greed, and our weaknesses; we pray the Lord may transform us all.

May God’s grace and love fill our hearts? May God give us strength to see through the completion of our new church building? May God help us so that we might serve Him and others with a clean and fearful heart? May Jesus Christ help us faithfully complete the missions that He has given us? May the Holy Spirit also fill our hearts and lives each day, to renew us and give us strength and wisdom to realize the full power of the Lord? May all glory be to Him, both now and forevermore! Amen.

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986_華府台灣基督長老教會2012「願景」獻堂特刊 - 0003

Published in -/2012

Posted in 04/2016