17. Taiwanese American Arts Council (TAAC) 台美文藝協會

The Taiwanese American Arts Council was established in 2014 to carry forward the mission of the Taiwanese Art Endowment Fund which spurred the creation of a named Taiwan Gallery, by the Queens Museum of Art. Taiwanese community leaders Dr. Lung Fong Chen, Thomas Chen, and Patrick Huang, to realize the vision with Professional curator Luchia Meihua Lee, and the pioneer of Taiwan modern printmaking artist, Prof. Liao Shiou Ping, provided the expertise and art resources. The TAAC aims to provide assistance to Taiwanese artists, scholars, and specialists in the arts.  TAAC will support cultural and art leaders in different fields and in all states in the US and all counties in Taiwan; it is expected to expand annually.
台美文藝協會TAAC旨在透過文化藝術的合作交流,提供並支持台灣與國際的對話、了解、與尊重;連結並資助在美國的台灣藝術創作者、專家、與學者;獎勵整合跨領域藝術創新概念;提升社區對於藝術創作的認知與重視; 豐富社群間的藝術對話、鼓勵全球性的相互回應與瞭解。TAAC將秉持跨越政治宗教,緊守中心宗旨並適時調整以因應國際潮流與現實趨勢。
TAAC將年度性支持台灣在美的藝術活動;並協助美國的台裔藝術家、不同族群的台灣藝術之友、個人、機構團體的展覽、表演及各類型藝術創作;協同藝術工作者擴展藝術觀眾群,組成聯繫網絡以分享訊息、 資源及經費;支持跨領域各類型的藝術形式與展現;建立國際上對台灣藝術的認知了解;逐步與美國不同藝術機構建立合作聯盟關係。

Goals and Objectives

  •  support the Taiwanese endowment fund at the Queens Museum, and future collaboration projects
  •    make cross-disciplinary creative awards
  •  organize artistic programs
  •    make alliances with other American cultural organizations


1.    Annually support Queens Museum Taiwanese Endowment Fund and programs related to Taiwan.

2.      Help artists and art organizations in North America as well as to facilitate artistsfrom Taiwan and friends of Taiwan of different ethnicities to exhibit, perform, and produce their work here.

3.     Work cooperatively with colleagues around the US to broaden our collective audiences and to form a network for sharing information, resources, and funding.

4.    Supports all artistic disciplines in classical, fusion, folk, and innovative formsinfluenced by the arts of Taiwan.

5.    Build awareness of Taiwanese art in North America. Promote and build alliances with other organizations.


Founding Members

Founding President                             Honorary Chairman

Dr. Lung Fong Chen                                  Prof. Liao Shiou Ping

Founding Board Trustee

Thomas chen

Patrick Huang

Executive director

Luchia Meihua Lee


Executive Committee

Lung Fong Chen (President)

Thomas Chen (Vice President)

Patrick Huang(Treasurer)

Luchia Meihua Lee (Secretary)


