1133. Y. T. Wang 王耀廷/ 2016/07

Name 王耀廷  



Y. T. Wang
Birth Year
Birth Place 台灣台中
First year, first city and state arrived in the U.S. 1975/-//
Address Arcadia/CA
Family 1. Wife:謝秀緞
3.Son: –
Education 1. 師範大學 B.S.教育
2. 淡江大學 M.S.外國語言
Employment 1.竹林中學 訓導主任
2.Brico King President
Accomplishment 創立大洛杉磯台灣會館台灣學校
Publication(Non-professional ones)
Website or Blog

Source from:www. Taiwandaily.net

Post in 07/2016