262. Amy Lin 林惠美, Pianist / 2015/08

Amy Lin 林惠美, Pianist

Ms. Amy Lin learned to play piano from her mother. In college (National Taiwan University), she accompanied the NTU choir and the Medical School Choir (Sing-Lin). While working as the Pharmacy Director at the Mackey Memorial Hospital, she accompanied the hospital choir directed by Rev. Gin-Rong Cheng. About a year ago Amy and friends formed “Ariel Trio”(Clarinet, Soprano, and Piano) and now “play for meals”.

台北市人。自幼隨母(黃蕊花老師)學琴。就讀台大藥學系時即擔任台大合唱團及杏林合唱團伴奏。工作後,又擔任工作單位—馬偕醫院—聖歌隊伴奏。1981年移民加州,取得碩士文憑及藥師執照,在美國開始新生活。與蕭泰然教授同教會,並為教會司琴。1992年與賴玉森醫師結婚,移居Ohio。中西部NATMA朋友的熱誠,歡愉氣質,使生活充滿平和與歡樂。現已由職場退休,專心做農婦,畫水彩及參與Ariel Trio (Clarinet, Soprano, Piano)的練習。目前可以”play for meals” 。
