81. May Fang 方美盈, Pianist/2014/11

May Fang 方美盈, Pianist


May Fang earned a master of music in piano performance and a master of music in piano accompanying with scholarship from San Francisco Conservatory of Music where she studied with Paul Hersh and Timothy Bach.  She received bachelor of music with dean award scholarship in piano performance from Oberlin Conservatory of music where she studied with Munique Duphil.  She was the piano accompanist for both San Francisco Conservatory of Music and Skyline College Concert choir, and a piano instructor in Taiwanese American Center of Northern California before moving to Los Angeles on 2005, where she continues pursuing the study as a merit scholarship student in Graduate Performance Certificate of Keyboard Collaborative Arts in University of Southern California, and serving as a piano accompanist in Occidental College, Half Step Choir, Taiwanese Presbyterian Conference Master Chorale and Formosan Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles.

方美盈,自幼稚園至高一,都在台北光仁音樂班就讀,移民到美國後進入丹佛市Cherry Creek High School。畢業後以獎學金入學俄亥俄州的Oberlin音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏學士學位,之後也以獎學金進入舊金山音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏和協奏雙碩士學位,曾籌劃與演出於舊金山區慶祝台灣總統、副總統就職晚會,台灣同鄉聯合會主辦的二二八紀念音樂會。在研究所期間擔任台灣同學會會長,並主辦灣區台灣同學音樂會,也曾受邀表演於太平洋自由民主聯盟大會、太平洋時報感恩音樂會、現任鋼琴伴奏於Occidental College、半音合唱團、南加州台灣人長 老會聖樂團和角聲水仙合唱團,也服事於洛杉磯台灣基督長老教會。