96. Jeffrey Liang 梁兆豐, Trombonist/2014/12

Jeffrey Liang 梁兆豐, Trombonist

Jeffrey Liang

A native of Taiwan, conductor and trombonist Dr. Jeffrey Liang received his music training in the United States since age of 19,including Manhattan School of Music (BM), Yale University (MM), and State University of New York at Stony Brook (DMA).

Dr. Liang began his conducting career with Youth Orchestra, CYCNY in 1999. Over the years, he has brought the orchestra from a local ensemble to an internationally known orchestra. Besides its Annual Lincoln Center concert series, Dr. Liang has taken the orchestra on several tours to Europe and Asia, including 2006’s Mozart Festival in Salzburg and Vienna. Together with Youth Orchestra CYCNY, Dr. Liang premiered many new works on the stage of Lincoln Center, including compositions of Arthur Frackenpohl, James Cohn, Andrew Beall,Steven Huang, Hsin-Tao Lien, Chin-Tang Shen, Oe Kang, and Chien-Nien Chen. As an international artist, Dr. Liang has performed in many countries around the world, including Czech Republic, Austria, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Philippine, Malaysia, Thailand, Palau, Taiwan, and China.

As a music educator, Dr. Liang has been teaching music in all levels for over 15 years. He is currently teaching at the music department of National Chiayi University in Taiwan, as both the orchestra conductor and trombone professor. Dr. Liang also serves as the conductor of Ta-Feng Elementary School Symphony, Guanjan Catholic School Orchestra, Zhung-Zheng Senior High School Wind Ensemble, Boai Elementary School Band, Shock Concert Band, and Taiwan Yale Ensemble.

出生於台灣的指揮兼長號演奏家梁兆豐博士.先後畢業於紐約曼哈頓音樂學院與耶魯大學音樂研究所,2002年於紐約州立大學石溪分校獲得音樂藝術博士 學位。梁兆豐自1999年起擔任紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團之音樂總監,除多次指揮該團於紐約林肯中心演出外,也經常帶團前往歐、美、亞各地巡迴表 演,2006年更受邀至奧地利【莫扎特音樂 節】中指揮演出,也多次帶領幼獅走出音樂廳將音樂帶入醫院、養老 院、圖書館及社區中心等角落:此外,梁兆豐目前也受聘擔任震撼管樂團之藝術總監兼指揮與台灣耶魯室內樂團指揮,曾多次參與外交部 【讓世界聽見台灣的聲音】計畫至美、亞洲多國為台灣音樂發聲。 梁兆豐的演出足跡遍及世界各地,包括有捷克、奧地利、美國、日 本、韓國、新加坡、菲律賓、馬來西亞、泰國’ 帛琉、台灣及中國。

對推廣現代作曲家不遺餘力的梁兆豐博士,曾於林肯中心發表多項首演作品,合作過的伟曲家包括有連信道、沈錦堂、康歐、陳建年、James Cohn、Arthur Frackenpohl、Andrew Beall、Steven Huang等 o

在 指揮與演奏外,梁兆豐也熱衷於音樂敎育,2008年曾受泰國皇家 Mahidol大學遨請擔任客座長號講師,目前受聘於台灣國立嘉義大學音樂系擔任管弦樂團指揮與長號助理敎授職務;此外,他也於天主敎私立光仁小學音樂班 擔任管弦樂團與管樂團指揮、臺北市博愛國小與中正高中管樂團指揮。