86. Chien-An Chen 陳建安, Cellist/2014/12

Chien-An Chen 陳建安, Cellist

Chien An Chen for Music

A native of Taiwan, Chien-an Chen began cello lessons at the age of seven. His talent soon became apparent, and he was invited to give a performance for the country’s former president, Chiang Kai-shek. At the age of 12, Mr. Chen moved to Japan to study with Hideo Saito and Juro Aoki at the Toho School of Music. He continued his studies at the Peabody Conservatory with Stephen Kates, the Shepherd School of Music with Shirley Trepel, and the University of Southern California with Gabor Rejto. Mr. Chen also studied wih Mstislav Rostropovich, Janos Starker, Lynn Harrell, Zara Nelsova, and Laszlo Varga.

Mr. Chen resides in Taipei, and enjoys an active career as a soloist and chamber musician in the Far East and the United States. He has collaborated with such artists as Kyoko Takezawa, Cho-Liang Lin, Lynn Chang, Gilbert Kalish, Seymour Lipkin, Dominique Weber, Jonathan Shames, and Heiichiro Ohyama.

In 2006, Mr. Chen was awarded the “Outstanding Musical Performance Prize” by the 47th Chinese Writer and Artists Association. The following year, he was invited to join the faculty of the Shanghai Conservatory, where he taught from 2007 to 2009. Currently, Mr. Chen is a member of the Asia Pacific String Quartet. (English information from Schlern International Music Festival)

大提琴家陳建安,出生於台灣新竹,在七歲時被發現其音樂天賦,應邀在先總統 蔣公前演奏,並受邀至電視台做全國表演;九歲遷至台北市就讀私立光仁小學音樂班,隨張寬容教授學習大提琴,1970年同時獲得台灣省及台北市音樂比賽大提琴冠軍,次年考取教育部甄選之「天才兒童」,保送至日本深造,追隨日本大提琴泰斗齊藤秀雄;並被東京著名之音樂經紀人本間誠一所網羅,十四歲時以最年輕資格越級進入桐朋音樂大學,師事青木十良教授,專攻演奏家文憑,1980年轉往美國東部,獲皮博第音樂學院(Peabody Institute of John Hopkins University)最高額獎學金,師事Stephen Kates,之後在德州萊斯大學(Shepherd school of Music of Rice University)隨Shirley Trepel進修,擔任該校樂團首席大提琴,獲得協奏曲比賽首獎,並受聘組成弦樂四重奏在美國各地演出;1986年參加阿斯本國際音樂節(Aspen Music Festival),被當代最富聲望的大提琴大師Gabor Rejto所賞識,受邀至南加州大學(University ofSouthern California)任助教,為其在世最後一位門生,並於1990年取得演奏家文憑。

陳建安曾任教於密西根Interlochen International Music Festival,1986年被選為全美五位年輕優秀大提琴家之一,參加在達拉斯由Msitslov Rostropowitch所主持的大師講習會。陳建安也受益於Pierre Fournier、Janos Starker、Zara Nelsova、Lynn Harrell等大師之指導,室內樂則師事東京弦樂四重奏(Tokyo Quartet),克利夫蘭弦樂四重奏(Cleveland Quartet),鋼琴家Leon Fleisher,小提琴家Berl Senofsky,指揮家Benjamin Zander等。包括在華府甘迺迪音樂中心(The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts)、新加坡維多利亞音樂廳(Victoria Concert Hall, Singapore)陳建安經常在各地參與獨奏及室內樂的演出,合作的音樂家包括著名小提琴家林昭亮、竹澤恭子Kyoko Takezawa、張萬鈞Lynn Chang、中提琴家大山平一郎Heichiro Ohyama、鋼琴家Jonathan Shams、Dominique Weber、Gilbert Kalish。


Source from 台灣公論報#1370 07/1995

For more information please click in who’s who: 134. Chien-An Chen 陳建安