745. 2012 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant/大洛杉磯台灣會館/2012/08/Magazines/雜誌

2012 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant

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I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone that came tonight. Thank you for your 745_2012 台美親善小姐 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant - 0002support of 2012 Miss Taiwanese American Pageant. I was so honored to be the 2009 Chairwoman of this event, and I realized how meaningful the pageant is. Every single year, our beautiful and talented Miss Taiwanese Americans serve as community liaisons or volunteers to promote Taiwan and Taiwanese culture. I am so proud and impressed of what they did and will do.

We have a lot of ladies showing their interests of this event. That means we have been appreciated by the Taiwanese American Community. However, only certain numbers of them can be the finalists. Tonight, we have 14 ladies and in my mind, you are all winners. After 2 months’ intensive training, you get to learn more about pageant itself and how to be an ambassador of Taiwanese American. With your intelligence, courage, beauty and talent, we know you will take pride in Taiwan’s unique identity and heritage and be the best to promote Taiwan.

Lastly, I want to thank you for all our special guests, our sponsors. Without you, we would not be able to accomplish anything. The dedication from many people makes this event successful. Thank you Chairwoman, Sue Lai, CEO, Catherine Yu, and all committee members. Don’t forget the board members of the Taiwan Center, our hard-working judges, excellent performing artists, and all the volunteers. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you and enjoy tonight!

Chairperson, Taiwan Center Foundation of Greater Los Angeles, Mei Feng Tsai

很感謝各位贵賓今晚來參加2012年台美小姐的決選盛會!由於深感這個活動意義非凡,我曾擔任 2009年的總召集人;我也深為我們每屆選出的台美小姐的優異表現感到驕傲。她們以高雅的儀表 與氣質,加上出眾的才藝與内涵,成功地代表台美人參與多項美國主流社會的活動,宣揚台灣文 化,做出亮麗的國民外交。

今年(2012年)很高興有三十多位佳麗來報名參加,這表示這個活動已經受到台美人社區的關注 與肯定。經過委員會的嚴格初選過程,今天將有十四位入圍者閃亮登場。對於今晚的參赛者,我 非常感謝您們的意願及合作,接受二個月费時又嚴格的訓練,不管選拔的結果如何,在我的眼 中,您們都是得勝者!祢們每個人都兼具智慧、勇氣,美麗與才華,台灣會館視妳們為“女兒” 般關愛及培養,期待妳們把“台灣”放在心中,並以“台美小姐”的榮衡為宣揚台灣,推廣台灣 文化盡一份心力。

最後我要感謝所有的贵賓、活動的贊助與廣告廠商、公司、社團與個人,由於您們的支持,今晚 的盛會才能順利舉辦。更感謝選美委員會總召集人賴淑遠女士、執行長余佳霓女士率工作團隊的 全力以赴,台灣會館所有董事、辛苦的評審。傑出的表演藝術家以及全體義工朋友,沒有您們, 就沒有今晚盛會的圚滿成功,謝謝大家!


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Posted in 2015/06