Tai­wanese Pres­by­ter­ian Church of Greater St. Louis 聖路易台灣基督長老教會

教會簡介 Brief Introduction

The TPCSTL was formed in early 1970s by immigrants from Taiwan as a fellowship which met in temporary locations. It joined the Giddings-Lovejoy Presbytery, PCUSA in 1988 and moved into its new church home at 542 Ries Road in Ballwin in 1991.

This is a multicultural church. The participants of the church come from different ethnic backgrounds and use various primary languages, including Taiwanese, English, and Mandarin. The church is aware of the unique needs of all participants with various backgrounds and intends to provide ministry to them inclusively and equally.

After worship, Sunday School follows in several different classes according to the needs of participants. These include Adult Sunday School in English. Adult Sunday School in Taiwanese. Sunday School for young adult and young family parents in Mandarin. In addition, there are family cell group and fellowship groups which meet weekly or bi-weekly.

The TPCSTL is a community committed to follow our Lord’s commandments and the Great Commission. To teach and share God’s Word, and to provide a caring, loving, and Christ-centered fellowship for Taiwanese immigrants, Asian-Americans, and others, in order to transform lives and build up the Body of Christ.


這是一個充滿多元文化背景的教堂。 教會的參加者來自不同種族背景和使用各種不同語言,包括台語,英語,普通話。教會在所有的事工上,考量並顧及所有不同背景的參加者的獨特需要。


為遵循主的大誡命與大使命,聖路易台灣基督長老教會致力於宣揚與教導神的話語,關懷及提供台灣移民、亞裔美人、及其他人士,以基督為中心之愛的團契,來改變個人的生命, 建立基督的身體。
