257. 洛杉磯台福基督教會 / 台福傳播中心 /10/2016


作者 台福傳播中心



一九七〇年初夏,常時在羅省教會中任職的丁昭昇、陳銓仁、林妙珠、陳慶霖、盧淑貞及許和瑞等兄姊,有意增設台語堂,但羅文牧師以其寬廣的胸懷和高闊的眼光,建議他們另外開設台語教會,於是大家和氣靄靄地分出去,於一九七〇年十月成立台語福音教會。有兩年多借用Alhambra安息日會的教堂,並請在富樂神學院深造的高集樂傅道來牧養。一九七三年二月在El Sereno購得一禮拜堂,接著高牧師回台任教,一九七五年十月聘請劉富理牧師接任爲本會主任牧師。

一九七六年教會繼續增長,這所禮拜堂後來不夠容納,就於一九七七年底換購新教堂到Highland Park。在神祝福中人數繼續增長,所以一九七九年三月分設東區小組(今東安教會),一九八〇年九月成立南區小組(今南灣教會),一九八二年三月成立聖谷教會,一九八二年九月東南區的小組也成立爲柑縣教會。爲了福音廣傳,一九八二年十月聯合這四問分會成立台語福音教會總會。接著在總會的策劃下,除了積極和總會配搭開設教會外,一九八五年九月又分設聖安教會,一九八八年和柑縣共同開設聖喜教會,同年支持東安開設聖達教會,一九九七年四月分設英語教會Harvest San Gabriel Valley。二〇〇〇年四 月聖達又分設愛鄰教會,洛福因而晉昇爲「曾祖母級」的多產教會。

歷經四次遷移,本會終於在一九九六年七月遷入El Monte(爱滿地)現址。這地原是3.8英畝的倉庫及辦公用地,買價185萬,整修加建費150萬,至今還欠70萬。除了足夠本會使用外,還有辦公室外租。週間讓社區的老人活動中心租用副堂,洛杉磯許多華人的聯合特會、佈道會、培靈會、音樂會常在主堂舉行。本教會設立之初,承蒙美國人的教會諸多協助,我們也以同樣的精神,在今年初以極低的租金,將副堂借給一印尼人的教會使用。讓我們體會耶和華的祝福眞是滿滿。


洛杉磯台福基督教會的宗旨,乃是遵照主耶穌基督所頒佈最大誠命和最大使命,敬拜上帝、裝備聖徒、傅揚福音、彼此相愛、關懷他人,以 One Church爲組織架構,並以注重家庭(Focus on the Family)爲目標,成全聖徒,各盡其職,在移民的社區中,建立一個主所喜悅之榮耀的教會。

這樣的宗旨可以WE EFC(我們台福人),五個英文字母首的字辭來說明:

Worship 敬拜讚美
Equip 裝備聖徒
Evangelize 傳揚福音
Fellowship 相愛團契
Care 關懷社區


洛福教會有四個事工(ministries):台語、英語、華語及兒童。台語事工是自創會之初就已成立的,參加會衆的年紀從嬰兒起到九十多歲,各年齡層都有,主日崇拜人數約350人。英語事工開始於一九七八年,英語堂成立於一九八一年,九六年取名Harvest LA,以便向說英語的亞裔人士傅福音;參加的人大部份是我們的第二代——初中、高中、大學的在校學生及一些成人,主日崇拜人數約150人。華語堂開始於一九九二年,未婚青年與家庭各佔約一半,主日崇拜人數約250人。兒童事工毎個主日有40位同工參與,110位兒童參加主日學,除了一般兒童教育外,還有特殊教育事工。



  1. 敬拜真神:尋求提供不同風格的敬拜服事,以吸引不同年齡層、不同音樂愛好的會衆。
  2. 扎根聖經:加強有系統的聖經教育,及適合各不同年齡層的生活教育:持續推動團體靈修讀經計劃。
  3. 彼此相愛:整合所有團契成爲不同年齡層的牧養群,以加強團契間橫向交流,並配合生活教育的推行:有計劃地推動各團契認領不同的社區關懷事工。鼓勵每人至少參加一小組或一團契。
  4. 傅揚福音:以社區服務或社區教育的方式建立與社區之問的橋樑,以關係佈道的方式引人信主,同時繼續鼓勵會友參加短宣隊。
  5. 物盡其用:在週間把教室分策給社區的公益機構,使社區居民與教會更有接觸。


In the fall of 1965, group of Christian students from Taiwan desired to worship God in their own language. At the same time, Pastor George Chua, a retired Taiwanese missionary to the Philippines, had a similar vision to start a Taiwanese-speaking family worship meeting in the Los Angeles area. God brought them together to start a weekly meeting. After a year, their number grew to more than sixty people. In the summer of 1970, many elderly parents of several Taiwanese members came to reside in Los Angeles. Most of them could not understand either Mandarin or English. Some members then felt the need to start a Taiwanese-speaking church service. With the support of Pastor Lo and the deacon board of First Evangelical Church, the Evangelical Formosan Church was formed and led by then Minister Samuel Kau. In 1975 Pastor Felix Liu was installed as the senior pastor. He has continued to serve in this position to this present date.

In 1978, we started the English-speaking ministry to meet the growing need of the second generation. In 1981, the English congregation was formed. Due to the desire to reach beyond just Taiwanese-Americans, in 1996 the English Congregation formally adopted the name, “Harvest Los Angeles-a ministry of EFC.” Then in 1997’ we planted the first Asian-American EFC church, Harvest San Gabriel Valley.

in 1992, we also started a Mandarin-speaking worship service. EFCLA is now able to proclaim the Gospel not only to the Taiwanese, but also to the Chinese and to the upcoming generation of Asian-Americans.

After moving to four different locations, the Lord finally brought our church to this present site in El Monte in July of 1996. Our main worship sanctuary was completed and dedicated in October, 1997.

The purpose of EFCLA is to obey the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission the following ways: worship the Lord, equip the saints, evangelize the lost, fellowship within family, and care for the community.


Our ministries focus on:

Worship: we will provide different worship styles to reach out different age groups.

Bible Study: focus on systematic Biblical teaching: emphasize practical application to daily life; and mobilize group devotion.

Fellowship: we have different fellowships for each age group. Each fellowship adopts different community ministry. And wc encourage members to join one cell group or fellowship.

Evangelism: establish bonding with surrounding communities through social service and education. Win people to the Lord by using relationship evangelism.

Open facilities to surrounding community in order to reach out non-believers.

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Source from 台福基督教會 三十周年紀念特刊 12/2000

Posted in 10/2016