- Ten Most Important Events Happened in the T. A. Community/2019
204 T. A. submitted their votes. The results of the voting are as shown below in the order of decreasing votes:
- 40th Anniversary of the Taiwan Relationship Act
- Team Taiwan in Laguna Niguel Holiday Parade by Orange County Taiwanese Association in Laguna Niguel/CA on 12/14/2019
- Write in Taiwanese Census Day April 1, 2020 by TACL
- Andrew Yang Participated in the Primary Campaign for 2020 Presidential Election/USA
- “Support Taiwan for W.H.O.” by NATMA, 2019
- 600 Pieces of Paintings by Taiwanese Artists Donated to Taiwan by Shien-Ten Art Museum/Irvine/CA
- Many Activities for Taiwanese American Heritage Week in May/2019, Sponsored by a Number of T. A. Organizations throughout the U. S.
- 40th Anniversary Celebration of Taiwan Relation Act & Thanksgiving Banquet of TAA/GWC2019 in Rockville/MA 11/9/2019. The First Time for a U. S. Congressman came to be the keynote Speaker
- “ Say Yes to Taiwan ”Parade in New York City, September 2019
- Established a Number of Support Groups of President Tsai’s Re-Election 2020