125. Helena Wei魏良夙, Pianist / 2015/01

Helena Wei魏良夙, Pianist

魏良夙Helena Wei has toured extensively throughout North America and Asia as a soloist, chamber musician and lecturer. She holds post-graduate degrees in Piano Performance from the University of British Columbia (Canada) and University of Southern California (USA), an A.R.C.T. from the Royal Conservatory of Music, and B. Mus. From University of Toronto, Canada. Prior to her recent move to San Diego, she was a professor of music from the University of the Pacific (USA), and Tunghai University ( Taiwan). Her active performing experiences including staff accompanist At the University of Western Ontario, Stockton Symphony, Cantabella Children’s Chorus, Sycamore Strings, Musical performance and Com­munications (sponsored by Arts Council Canada). She also serves on the board of Del Valle Fine Arts,selection Commit­tee. Ms. Wei has over 25 years of teaching, coaching and adjudicating experience from beginner to advanced performing artist. She is currently a piano staff at the Greene Yamaha Music Education Center in San Diego.

魏良夙女士出生於台灣,十一歲隨父母移居加拿大,自幼即展現音樂天賦,先後取得多倫多皇家音樂學院 ARCT 鋼琴演奏文憑;多倫多大學鋼琴演奏學士;英屬哥倫比亞大學音樂碩士及南加大音樂博士班研究士。 魏女士擁有二十五年教學及評審經驗,曾任教於台灣東海大學音樂系及美國太平洋大學音樂院,並屢次擔任台灣全省鋼琴比賽評審及現任Del Valle Fine Arts音樂季評審委員,此外;魏女士亦具有豐富伴奏經驗,曾擔任Stockton 交響樂團,Cantabella 兒童合唱團,Sycamore 絃樂團等專任伴奏。近年來;她特別專注於推廣藝術教育,多次隨加拿大藝術基金會贊助的Musical Performance and Communications巡回演出,擔任專題演講及演奏,遍及北美洲各大專院校和中小學。

魏女士目前任教於San Diego Greene Yamaha Music Education Center.

摘自 聖地牙哥台美基金會及台灣中心 YAM冬季刊/1,2,3/2010