188. Hui Mei Lin 林慧美, Pianist/2015/04

Hui Mei Lin 林慧美, Pianist

Hui Mei Lin 林慧美Hui-Mei Lin, pianist, received her Master’s degree from the Juilliard School and Doctoral of Musical Arts from City University of New York Graduate School.

As the winner of the Artists International Competition, she made her solo debut at the Weill Recital Hall at the Carnegie Hall. Concert tours have taken her to Can­ada. Italy, Taiwan, and various cities in the U. S. She was described by the New York Times as “an excellent pianist throughout” and the Taiwan News as “powerful and sensitive pianist.” Her media broadcast include solo and chamber music performances on WQXR, PBS, Taiwan Television and China Broadcasting Company.

She has performed solo and chamber recitals in many concert series including The Chaminade Club, Caramoor Music Festival, Friends of Music in Stamford. NY. The Steinway Society of the Bay Area, California. Wesleyan University, Smith College, Sarah Lawrence College, and Connecticut College. Most recently she performed at Virginia Tech University and gave a master class.

Dr. Lin has held the position of Artist in Residence at the Kings’ College, and is currently on the faculty of the Sacred Heart University in Connecticut.


鋼琴家-林慧美來自台灣的鋼琴家林慧美女士,大學部榮獲全額奬學金和Raymond Hanson 教授舆Anne Koscielny教授 在康州的Hartt School of Music(哈特音樂學院)學琴,畢業後又獲William Petchek全額奬學金在纽约的Juilliard School(朱莉亞音樂學院)獲得碩士學位。2002年於紐約市立大學荣獲音樂博士學位。慧美的鋼琴獨奏會首次公演是她以國際藝術家大賽首獎身份在卡內基音樂廳的Weill演奏廰舉行的。演奏會後佳評如潮,紐約時報稱贊她的全埸演出完美而優越。台灣時報:一位高度敏銳而有力的鋼琴家。她曾遠赴意大利,加拿大和台灣的大小城市巡迴演出,其中包括兩次在台灣國家音樂廰的演出。她更應邀在PBS和WQXR 電台,以及台灣電視台和中國廣播公司獨奏演出。

她演出無数的獨奏會,其中包括:纽约州的Chaminade Club, Caramoor Music Festival, Friends Of Music in Stamford, 加州的Steinway Society of the Bay Area, 麻省的Smith College, 康州的Hartt School of Music, Wesleyan University, Connecticut College, 维吉尼亚州的Virginia Tech University, 和全國各大小學院中的演出。作為一位室內樂演奏家,慧美曾與大提琴家Carter Brey (纽约交嚮樂團大提琴首席),橫笛家 Robert Stallman 以及女高音Berenice Bramson 在Weill Recital Hall演, 也與New Hungarian 四重奏在新墨西哥州的夏季音樂節以及 與Peregrine 三重奏在美國東北部的多次演出。 除了擔任鋼琴獨奏和室內樂重奏外,林博士更 經常在大學校園,音樂聚會中演說和演奏,其中包括哈Hartt School of Music (哈特 音樂學院),American Guild of Organists (美国管風琴恊會),Queens College (皇后學院)和台灣東吳大學。 林博士曾在Kings College擔任駐校藝術指導,現任教於 康州的Sacred Heart University, 她同時又是Briarcliff Congregational 教會的音樂總監以及 北 威中文學校成人合唱團和威郡大同合唱團的指揮。慧美與她的先生 Peter Frost(作曲家兼合唱團指導)及他們的兩位公子 Connor 和 Liam 住在纽约市郊的威郡。

源自 林明姝