Mei-En Chou 周媺恩, pianist
A native of Taiwan, Ms. Mei-En Chou began her piano studies at the age of four, and began playing the trumpet at the age of nine, on which instrument she won several outstanding achievement awards during her school years. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in trumpet from National Taiwan Normal University and certified as a high school music instructor by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., Ms. Chou relocated to the United States to pursue graduate studies in piano performance at the University of North Texas under Dr. Pamela Mia Paul. During her residency in Denton, TX, Ms. Chou was an active collaborative pianist and one of the piano and continuo players of large ensembles. She taught both privately and at the School of Creative Art, conducted and directed the choir of North Texas Chinese Church, and participated in the Conductor’s Collegium by UNT Wind Studies.
Ms. Chou is currently the Artist in Residence and Assistant Professor at Louisiana College, and on the board of Louisiana International Piano Competition as Director of Junior Competition. She is also a member and certified music teacher of CenLA, Louisiana, and National Music Teachers Association, and served as a judge for competitions and festivals. Alongside teaching, she maintains her technique actively to collaborate with colleagues, students, and local ensembles. Ms. Chou has appeared with Dallas American Asian Youth Orchestra (Carnival of Animals), Red River Wind Symphony (Rhapsody in Blue), Sun Philharmonic Orchestra (Mozart Two-Piano Concerto, K.365), and North Texas Wind Symphony (Husa Concertino); the CD Domain with NTWS was released in December, 2008 by GIA Publications. Her annual recital tours collaborate with Pianist Chiao-Ju Hung as MusiC², and with Harpist Linda-Rose Hembreiker as Duo Mystère.
生於台北市。自四歲學習鋼琴,先後畢業於敦化國小、師大附中國中、高中部等音樂班;主修鋼琴,副修小號。1999年保送甄試考上國立台灣師範大學音樂系,主修小號,副修鋼琴、聲樂。鋼琴曾師事劉惠麗、蔡昱姍、劉本莊、蘇恭秀、蔡佩真、王杰珍、呂雪櫻等老師。中學期間,小號獨奏曾獲多次台北市及台灣區音樂比賽第一名。高中時至紐約參加 Summit音樂營,與 Efrem Briskin 教授學習鋼琴;並以小號參加協奏曲比賽獲得第三名。師大畢業後,至五常國中實習及代課。曾任台北YMCA聖樂合唱團團員兼副伴奏。2005年赴美國北德州大學(University of North Texas)音樂研究所深造,主修鋼琴演奏,師事 Dr. Pamela Mia Paul;副修伴奏,並修習指揮課程。
就讀北德大期間獲助教及管樂團獎學金,並於2008年四月以鋼琴獨奏者與北德大管樂團演出協奏曲,並錄製CD〝Domain〞。以擔任伴奏活躍於校內外,並與獨奏者們合作舉辦音樂會及參加比賽。她曾與達拉斯青少年亞裔管絃樂團、Long Star管樂團、丹頓巴赫合唱團、丹頓音樂劇團等合作演出,亦擔任北德大巴洛克管絃樂團之大鍵琴手。教學方面,除私人學生外,曾於恩典大道教會附設之音樂學校教授鋼琴,並數次擔任比賽或音樂節評審;同時亦擔任北德華人教會詩班指揮。
周媺恩小姐於2008年鋼琴演奏碩士畢業,隨即任教於路易斯安那學院至今,擔任鋼琴助理教授及駐校演奏家,亦擔任同事及學生之伴奏;並策畫及參加2010年該校聖樂合唱團來台短宣與訪問演出。2009年參加American Protégé鋼琴比賽獲榮譽獎。曾與卡洛斯合唱團、家庭劇場、社區劇團合作,2009年九月與卡洛斯合唱團至愛爾蘭巡迴演出。她亦為路易斯安那國際鋼琴比賽的青少年組比賽負責人,中路州音樂教師協會、全美音樂教師協會會員之一,並取得全美及路州音樂教師認證。