Wan-Line Tsai蔡宛霖, Violinist
Ms. Wan-Lin is originally from Taiwan and is starting her first year with Intercultural. Ms. Wan-Lin has a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from the National Taipei University of Education. She also has a Master’s Degree and a Doctoral Degree in Violin Performance from College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati. She currently is the assistant teacher in the preschool Chinese program. She also helps local organizations with their musical direction and performance.
蔡宛霖,小提琴,高雄人,現居辛辛那提。2004年於國立台北教育大學協奏曲比賽獲獎,演出西貝流士小提琴協奏曲。2006年獲辛辛那提大學音樂學院獎學金,赴美攻讀碩士,進而於2014年獲得美國辛辛那提大學音樂學院小提琴演奏博士學位。師事Piotr Milewski及Timothy Lees。2009年與大指揮家暨鋼琴家Mark Gibson合作演出蕭頌詩曲,2010年與旅美指揮家丁肇文以及Cincinnati Sinfonietta合作演出布魯赫小提琴協奏曲第一號。於2011年榮獲美國辛辛那提大學音樂學院普羅高菲夫協奏曲比賽冠軍;與指揮家Tomaro Annunziata及該校Concert Orchestra合作演出普羅高菲夫小提琴協奏曲第一號。目前就任於芝加哥Intercultural Montessori Language School。
Source from: http://taagcc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3608.html
源自: 芝城台灣長老教會音樂會