Yu-Sui Hung洪育穗, Pianist
Dr. Hung joined the faculty at Vander Cook in 2006 after teaching piano, theory, and musicianship at the University of Cincinnati and Temple University. She received her doctor of musical arts in piano and theory from University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music, her master of music degree in piano at Temple University, and her bachelor of fine arts degree in piano and clarinet from National Taiwan Normal University. A chamber music enthusiast, Dr. Hung performs frequently as a solo, collaborative, and orchestral pianist, and has appeared in major concert venues throughout the U.S. and her native Taiwan, collaborating with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Cincinnati Symphony, and Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra. She is an active member of Music Teachers National Association and its regional chapters, as well as Pi Kappa Lambda National Music Honor Society.
洪育穗,出生於台北,自幼習琴,先後畢業於古亭國小、南門國中、師大附中音樂班及師範大學音樂系,畢業後獲全額獎學金及助教獎學金赴美進修,於費城天普大學取得鋼琴演奏及伴奏碩士學位,並於辛辛那提大學音樂學院取得鋼琴演奏博士學位,副修音樂理論。先後師事賴麗君、Charles Abramovic, Lambert Orkis, Frank Weinstock等教授。求學期間多次獲獎學金參加Aspen音樂節,演奏足跡含括美國十數州、台灣、日本、加拿大等地。現居芝加哥,任教於芝加哥梵德古音樂學院專任副教授,教授鋼琴及音樂理論分析等相關課程。
Source from http://taagcc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_3608.html
源自芝城台灣長老教會 音樂會