222. Stephanie Wan-Hsiu Lan藍婉修, Pianist / 2016/06

Stephanie Wan-Hsiu Lan藍婉修 Pianist

藍婉修Stephanie Lan’s piano performance background includes programs as Concert Pianist, Piano Instructor, and Accompanist.  She holds a Master’s Degree in Piano Performance from California State University, Los Angeles with Special Recognition in Gratuate Studies. In December 2007, Ms. Lan performed in the PBS Television Broadcast with the Los Angeles Chinese Chorale at Dorothy Chandler Pavillion.  In October 2007, she toured Israeland Dubai with the Los Angeles Chinese Christian Chorale.  In June 2006, she premieredthe Contemporary Taiwanese Compositions in Washington D.C. and New York.  In October 2006, she received the Silver Medal as accompanist for the Los Angeles Chinese Chorale at the International Folk Competition in Barcelona, Spain.  In 2004, she was awarded the Outstanding Overseas Young Professional by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission of Republic of China.  Ms. Lan has performed with main stream orchestras in the Los Angeles areas as well as in Vienna, Austria.

鋼琴家藍婉修演出足跡遍佈洛杉磯、舊金山、紐約、華盛頓、奧地利維也納、 薩爾茲堡、西班牙、 台灣等地。 藍婉修畢業於台北藝術大學 ,2003年以優異成績獲加州州立大學鋼琴演奏碩士學位。活躍於各大音樂舞台,曾受邀與交響樂團演出,包括2000年赴奧地利維也納與Bratislava Chamber Orchestra  演出莫札特鋼琴協奏曲 K 595, 2001 年受邀赴薩爾茲 堡音樂節,演出貝多芬第一號鋼琴協奏曲,2002年與 Redlands Symphony Orchestra 演出蕭邦第一號鋼琴協奏曲,2004年受國際作曲家協會推薦,獲頒僑委會「全球海外優秀青年」榮譽獎章,2006 年受台美作曲家協會之邀,於首府華盛頓及紐約首演臺灣當代音樂創作。藍婉修同時也是專業鋼琴伴奏,2006年隨洛華合唱團赴西班牙參加國際合唱音樂大賽,榮獲銀牌獎。2007年隨洛杉磯華人聖樂團團赴中東杜拜,及以色列耶路薩冷等地巡迴演出。現為全美音樂教師協會會員。自2007 年起於 California State University, Los Angeles 擔任客席講師。
