288. Ching-Yun Hu 胡瀞云, Pianist / 2015/09

 Ching-Yun Hu 胡瀞云, Pianist

胡瀞云Ching-Yun Hu was named a winner of the 2009 Concert Artists Guild International Competition. In 2008, she captured the top prize and the Audience Favorite Prize at the 12th Arthur Rubinstein In-ternational Piano Master Competition in Tel Aviv, resulting in a seven-city tour across Israel and a special invitation from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra to perform Beethoven’sPiano Concerto #4 on only a week’s notice. Subsequently, her career has flourished with a host of engagements on five continents.

Highlights of Ching-Yun Hu’s season include recitals in New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, California, Delaware, Taipei, Macau, Paris, Budapest, and a tour of Israel, as well as chamber music performances in Athens and Piraeus, Greece. She makes another tour of South Africa, with events including both recital and concerto performances. Ms. Hu also returns as guest soloist to Taiwan’s Taipei Chinese Orchestra and makes her debut with Yoav Talmi and the Israel Chamber Orchestra.

Ching-Yun Hu made her debut with The Philadelphia Orchestra in 1999. She has also been guest soloist with the Aspen Concert Orchestra, New York Concerti Sinfonietta, Philadelphia’s Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra and the symphony orchestras of Delaware, DuPage (IL), Midland (MI), Mississippi and Northwest Arkansas, while abroad she has appeared with England’s Maidstone Symphony Orchestra, Portugal’s Orquestra do Algarve, Brazil’s Orquestra Filarmônica do Espírito Santo, Orquestra do Curitiba and Orquestra Experimental de Repertorio, South Africa’s Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, China’s Wuhan Philharmon-ic Orchestra and Taiwan’s Taipei Chinese Orchestra and Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. She has also toured with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra.

Recent recitals have included programs at New York City’s Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts’ Alice Tully Hall, Washington, DC’s John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Aspen Music Festival, London’s Wigmore Hall and Southbank Centre, Par-is’ Salle Cortot, Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw, Munich’s Herkulesaal, Budapest’s Franz Liszt Acad-emy of Music, Poland’s Chopin International Festival and Rubinstein Philharmonic Hall (Lodz), Tel Aviv’s Opera House, Taipei’s National Concert Hall and Japan’s Osaka Hall. Ms. Hu is also a fre-quent guest artist at distinguished music festivals throughout the world.

Ching-Yun Hu’s debut recording, an all-Chopin CD released in 2011 on the Taiwanese label Archi-Music, won Taiwan’s 2012 Golden Melody Award for Best Classical Album of the Year. The fall of 2013 saw the release of her second CD – music of Granados, Mozart and Ravel – on the CAG Records.

A native of Taipei, Ching-Yun Hu made her concerto debut at the age of 13 with the Poland Capella Cracoriensis Chamber Orchestra on tour in Asia. One year later, she moved to the United States to continue her musical studies at The Juilliard School in New York City, working principally with Ser-gei Babayan and Karl-Heinz Kammerling. She also studied chamber music with Joseph Kalichstein and Seymour Lipkin, and received additional guidance from Richard Goode and Murray Perahia.

In 2008, Ching-Yun Hu was awarded an honorary prize from Taiwan’s Minister of Culture, recogniz-ing her artistic achievements to date. In addition to performing, Ms. Hu is a keen advocate for the promotion of classical music. She founded the bi-annual Yun-Hsiang International Music Festi-val (www.yunhsiang.org ) and the Philadelphia Young Pianists Academy at the Curtis Institute of Music, inviting to both some of the most sought-after artists from around the globe to perform at prestigious concert halls in Taipei and Philadelphia and to work with aspiring young musicians on their way to professional careers.

Ching-Yun Hu serves on the faculty at the Esther Boyer College of Music and Dance in Philadelph-ia’s Temple University.



胡瀞云以鋼琴獨奏家的身份於全球各地巡迴演出,這個樂季於美國(紐約、費城、華盛頓、加州、德拉瓦州等地)、台灣、澳門、巴黎、布達佩斯等地,並於以色列境內進行一系列巡演。獨奏家身份之外,胡瀞云更參與室內樂演出,於希臘(雅典、比雷埃夫斯)演出。而在南非的巡演上,同時以鋼琴獨奏家及室內樂音樂家之身份接受邀演。其中更以,由指揮家Yoav Talmi所帶領之以色列室內管弦樂團首次合作,並受台北市立國樂團邀請及指揮家鐘耀光於台北及澳門國際音樂節擔任鋼琴協奏曲獨奏演出。

近年來,胡瀞云於世界的幾個重要音樂廳及音樂節演出,包括紐約林肯中心、紐約卡內基廳、華盛頓甘迺迪音樂廳、阿姆斯特丹Concertgebow、波蘭Duszniki蕭邦音樂節、Aspen國際音樂節、德國Ruhr國際音樂節、巴黎Salle Cortot、倫敦的Southbank中心、德國慕尼黑Herkulessaal、巴伐利亞廣播(Bayerischer Rundfunk)曾播出她的表演、德國Luwigshafen、布達佩斯的李斯特音樂學院、荷蘭(阿姆斯特丹、畢爾根、烏特勒支Vredenburg音樂節)、奧地利Klavierfrühling、曼徹斯特拉赫瑪尼諾夫國際研討會(Rachmaninoff International Conference);與國立台灣交響樂團的巡迴演出以及於國家音樂廳的獨奏會,波士頓的幾場演出由WGBH廣播電台現場轉播,也曾在巴西舉辦數場音樂會;英國則包括Stoke on Trent音樂節、Bournemouth室內樂集。

1999年,胡瀞云獲得美國「費城管弦樂團比賽」第一名,十七歲時受邀與費城管弦樂團合作葛利格鋼琴協奏曲,全場爆滿,開啟其鋼琴演奏家之演奏生涯,期間以客席鋼琴家之身份與亞斯本管弦樂團(Aspen Concert Orchestra)、紐約協奏曲小交響樂團(New York Concerti Sinfonietta)、費城黑珍珠室內樂管弦樂團(Philadelphia’s Black Pearl Chamber Orchestra)、美國當地交響樂團(德拉瓦州、杜佩奇郡 (伊利諾州)、米德蘭(德克薩斯)、密西西比及西北阿肯色州)等合作。而在美國大陸以外之國家,也曾與其他國家當地之交響樂團進行合作演出,如:英國Maidstone交響樂團、葡萄牙Portugal’s Orquestra do Algarve、巴西 Brazil’s Orquestra Filarmônica do Espírito Santo、巴西 Orquestra do Curitiba and Orquestra Experimental de Repertorio、南非約翰尼斯堡愛樂管弦樂團(South Africa’s Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra)、以色列愛樂管弦樂團(Israel Philharmonic Orchestra)、中國武漢愛樂管弦樂團(Wuhan Philharmonic Orchestra)、以及台灣各大交響樂團進行巡迴演出 (台灣國家交響樂團 NSO、台北市立國樂團、長榮交響樂團、國立台灣交響樂團NTSO等)。 個人獨奏專輯《看見蕭邦X胡瀞云》,2011年初由雅砌音樂(ArchiMusic)在台灣發行,榮獲2012年第23屆金曲獎最佳古典音樂專輯獎。2013年,胡瀞云錄製第二張個人獨奏專輯,收錄了葛拉娜多斯,莫扎特和拉威爾的作品,由紐約CAG Records所發行。第三張個人獨奏專輯將於2014年秋季由 Cristal Record/Sony Classical 於法國發行。

胡瀞云在台時曾師事李薏新、金聖美、黎國媛等老師。14歲赴美留學,取得茱莉亞音樂院學士、碩士學位。鋼琴師事賀伯.史戴辛(Herbert Stessin)、雅布隆絲卡雅(Oxana Yablonskaya),室內樂師事提摩西.艾迪(Timothy Eddy)、約瑟夫.卡利赫史坦(Joseph Kalichstein),以及席摩.利普金(Seymour Lipkin)。另外,胡瀞云在弗萊雪(Leon Fleisher)、固德(Richard Goode)、普萊亞(Murray Perahia)等鋼琴名家的大師班中有所表現。她在在德國漢諾威音樂戲劇學院(Hochschule fur Musik und Drama)與 Karl-Heinz Kammerling進修,並於克利夫蘭音樂學院(Cleveland Institute of Music)進修,師事謝爾蓋.巴拜楊(Sergei Babayan),並取得最高演奏家文憑。

忙碌的演出行程外,胡瀞云目前受邀任教於美國費城天普大學(Esther Boyer College of Music of Temple University)。她不忘能為全球的青年鋼琴家回饋付出,在2012年創辦台北云想國際音樂節及美國費城青年鋼琴家暑期音樂營 (Philadelphia Young Pianists’ Academy),邀請來自全球各地的鋼琴後起新秀,透過密集的訓練並且最終與鋼琴大師及樂團同台演出的歷程,引領他們進入職業鋼琴家的道路。

源自 http://www.chingyunhu.com/bio_ch.html