48. Jecoliah Wang 王欣慈, Violinist/2014/10

Jecoliah Wang 王欣慈, Violinist

王欣慈(Jecoliah Wang)

Jecoliah Wang started playing violin at age of six. At fourteen she performed as concertmaster of the St. Louis Symphony’s Youth Orchestra for two seasons, won the Youth Orchestra’s Concerto Competition in 2010 and made her St. Louis Symphony debut in 2011 at age sixteen. She has attended the Innsbrook Institute, the New York String Orchestra Seminar, and since 2011, the Aspen Music Festival, having won two fellowships. Since 2014 she has been a fellowship resident artist at the Amelia Island Chamber Music Festival. She recently received her Bachelors of Music degree from the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings. This is her third time at the RCMF.

王欣慈六歲開始學小提琴,曾在聖路易交 響樂團小提琴吉田弘子(Hiroko Yoshida)門下學習多年。11歲即嶄露頭角贏得青年交響樂團(Young People’s Symphonic Orchestra)協奏曲比賽獎,並擔任該團副首席小提琴,然後在勒克力四重賽(Laclede Quartet)兒童協奏曲比賽中贏得冠軍。次年她開始爲華盛頓大學歌劇公演伴奏。14歲時,獲得音樂教師全國協會 (Music Teachers’ National Association) 密蘇里州冠軍。

15歲的王欣慈成爲密州交響樂團 (Missouri Allstate Orchestra)有史以來最年輕的首席小提琴,並連任一年,同時期,她也擔任聖路易交響樂圑青少年樂甌(St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra)首席小提琴手。她亦應遨在聖纽易交響樂團2010—11家庭樂壇個人獨奏,並獲多項音樂比賽優勝及獎金。在聖路易交響樂圑首席小提琴 荷倫的建 譁與推薦下,王欣慈提早兩年上大學,以全額 獎學金進入羅柏•馬克德菲絃樂中心(Robert McDuffie Center for Strings),該音樂學院專 收天賦異稟的學生,一年只收26名。(節錄自太平洋時報)