Hsun Hsun Hsu 許恂恂, Conductor
Hsun Hsun Hsu received her bachelor and master degrees in vocal performance arts from University of Southern California. She graduated with department honor and received numerous scholarship awards. She was a student of Cynthia Munzer and a member of Phi Kappa Lambda, National Music Honor Society. Ms. Hsu was the Prizewinner of NATS’s Young Artist of the Year in career and apprentice divisions. She was the finalist of the Long Beach Mozart Festival. She received scholarship from Opera Buffs and sponsorship from Taiwan Chi Mei Arts and Music Foundation for two consecutive years.
Her performances/ roles included: Susanna in “Le Nozze di Figaro”, Despina in “Cosi fan tutte”, Ludmila in “The Bartered Bride”, Sister Constance in “Dialogues of the Carmelites” with USC Opera, Ngon Hung in Los Angeles Opera’s production “On Gold Mountain”, and Dew Fairy in “Hansel and Gretel” with Guild Opera. As a concert soloist, Ms. Hsu has performed with Half Step Chorus, USC Thornton Choral Artists, Mt. San Antonio College Choir, MSAC Women’s Glee Club, and Southern California Taiwanese Presbyterian Church join Choir. In 2000, she was invited to give concerts in Taiwan for spiritual healing after the 921 earthquake in 1999. In 2002, she was invited to give join concerts in Taiwan with her college professor Ms. Munzer. In 2009 spring, Ms. Hsu directed a combined chorus of Shepherd of the Valley church, Halfstep choir, and Evangelical Formosa Church of LA for a stage production of “The Prodigal Son”. She is the music director of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church and Half Step Choir. She now also teaches at East Valley Children’s Choir.
指揮許恂恂在南加大 (University of Southern California) 教授 Cynthia Munzer 門下取得了聲樂學士及碩士學位,在校期間獲得多項傑出獎項, 畢業時更獲得系上頒發榮譽獎,以全額獎學金攻讀繼續攻讀碩士後研究 (Post Graduate Study)。
聲樂家許恂恂擁有豐富的舞台經驗,在美國曾公開演出多齣著名神劇、 歌劇如: 彌賽亞、費加婚禮、女人皆如此、被賣出的新娘、馬儂、巴斯爾特先生、羅密歐與茱麗葉…中女主角及其他的重要角色。並當任多個合唱團的獨唱及指導如 : 南加大 Thornton合唱團,Mt. San Antonio 學院合唱團MSAC女子重唱、台灣人聖教會、六桂基金會、半音合唱團、台福聖樂團等。曾多次參加多項並比賽得獎如 : 1999年NATS (年度青年藝術家競賽)見學組第二名及2001年職業組第三名,1999年2001年Opera Buffs獎學金得主,2001年大都會歌劇院年度比賽洛杉磯區域優勝獎,2001年美國加州The Opera Reading Club of Hollywood聲樂大賽得主,2000年長堤莫札特音樂賽優勝獎及2000年及2001年台灣奇美文化基金會音樂藝術獎學金。更常常受邀在台灣,美國的音樂活動中演出 : 2000年應邀回台為921大地震舉辦多場音樂會,2002年應邀返台與老師Cynthia Munzer同台演出等,近年更有幸結識了音樂大師蕭泰然,成為他新曲的首唱者,在一次偶然的機會將他所創作的 “浪子” 編成了劇,並指導美國洛杉磯台福聖樂合唱團於2002年10月在交響樂團伴奏下成功演出,及最近於2009年4月更聯合了半音合唱團,牧谷教會詩班,及洛杉磯台福教會詩班再次的把浪子以歌劇型式成功的演出。
至於平時則致力於音樂教育與音樂活動的推廣,目前是牧谷基督長老教會音樂主任,半音合唱團指揮,東安兒童合唱團指導老師,及美國國家音樂榮譽協會Phi kappa Lambda會員。