95. 賴東成 November 16, 2014 user Who's Who Name 賴東成 Birth Year Birth Place 台南後壁鄉茄冬村 First year, first city and state in the U.S. Address Diamond Bar, CA Family Education 台灣大學 農工系 Employment 1. 2. 3. Accomplishment 1. 2. 3. Publication (if any) 1.阿土臭彈 2008/4 2. 3. Hobby 1. 2. 3. Related Posts:2322. Billy Chang 張宣信904. Carlsbad man uses family’s Taiwanese farming…880. 台東小孩昔日赴美洗碗賺學費 李明東62歲拚上索諾瑪州立大學校長 | 06/2023390. 2023 in Review: The Founding Director’s…384. A Year-end Message from the Founding Director…