19. 蔡蕙香 Huai-Shion Tsai

蔡蕙香 Huai-Shion Tsai

蔡蕙香 臺南市人,臺灣國立藝專畢業,加州爾灣大學UCI,IrvineVelleyCollege修業。作品曾入選2010法國秋季沙龍展、全省美展、臺陽美展、日本亞細亞現代美術展。曾舉辦個展於臺北市立美術館、臺灣國立美術館、福華沙龍、現代畫廊、琢璞藝術中心、美國文化中心、臺南市立文化中心。參加聯展於美國Whittier Art Gallery新藝畫會展、美國順天美術館三人收藏展、美國加州LA ARTCORE五人展、福華沙龍女畫家三人展、旅美臺灣藝術家聯展、臺北市西畫女畫家聯展、臺灣人權海報大展、母女聯展、永生鳳凰美展。


Huai-Shion Tsai was born in Tainan, Taiwan in 1947. She graduated from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts in 1968. She also studied Fine Arts at the University of California at Irvine. Huai-Shion has had numerous solo exhibitions, including exhibitions at the Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taiwan Museum of Art, J. P. Art Center, American Cultural Center and Tainan Cultural Center. Her paintings have also been shown in numerous group exhibitions in the United States, Japan and Taiwan.

Huai Shion’s works are inspired by the people and events that surround her. Her recent works feature “people” as the theme. She is inspired by her from attachment to her homeland, Taiwan, and the emotional interactions between the people of Taiwan. Huai Shion also excels that using children as the theme in her paintings, depicting their innocence, purity and happiness, creating a more perfect world. In her heart, she hopes the world can be a little more pure and a little less complicated.




美國加州Neo Art League 畫會會員

1947 生於台灣臺南市

1968 台灣國立藝專美工科畢業

1984 美國加州大學Irvine分校

美國加州Irvine Valley College修業


2014 台北國父紀念館個展 台北

1995 95′ 畫廊博覽會 吉証畫廊推薦雙個展 台北

臺北市立美術館 台北

台灣省立美術館 台中

1993 琢璞藝術中心懷鄉系列油畫展 高雄

福華沙龍雙個展 台北

1989 現代畫廊 台中

1988 福華沙龍 台北

1986 美國文化中心 台北

台南市立文化中心 台南


2013 惠提爾畫廊 新藝畫會展 美國加州

2012~2014 臺灣人藝術家鄉情展 美國加州

2010~2014 橘縣傳統週畫展 美國加州

2010 入選法國沙龍展受邀參展 法國巴黎

2009 惠提爾畫廊 新藝畫會展 美國加州

2008 X’Museum展 美國加州

2008 Long Beach 藝術協會會員展 美國加州長彎

2006 順天美術館 三人展 美國加州爾灣

2003 萃之畫展五人展 美國加州

2000 美國 Bowers Museum 義賣展 美國加州

1995 台灣人權海報大展 臺北市立美術館

1988~1995 臺北西畫女畫家聯展 臺北

1991 美國加州LA ARTCORE五人展 美國加州洛杉磯

福華沙龍女畫家三人展 臺北

旅美台灣藝術家聯展 美國加州洛杉磯

1990 美國加州UCI發表展 美國加州Irvine

1988 母女聯展 台南市立文化中心

1987 第四十二屆全省美展 台灣

1986 第二十二回亞細亞現代美術展 日本東京

第五屆永生鳳凰美展 台南

千人美展 高雄

1985 第二十一回亞細亞現代美術展 日本東京

第四十八屆台陽美展 台北

第四十屆全省美展 台灣

1984 第二十回亞細亞現代美術展 日本東京

第三屆永生鳳凰美展 台南

1983 宜園聯展 台北







Tsai Huai-Shion

Member of Taipei Women’s Art Association

Fellow Member of The Artist Friendship Association of Asia/Japan

Member of LA ARTCORE/U.S.A.

Member of Neo Art League/U.S.A.

1947 Born in Tainan, Taiwan

1968 Graduated from National Taiwan Academy of Arts

1984 Study in University of California, Irvine, and Irvine Valley College

Solo Exhibitions

2014 National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall/Taipei

1995 Taipei Fine Art Museum/Taipei

1995 Taiwan Museum of Art/Taichung

1993 J.P. Art Center/Kaohsiung

1993 Howard Salon/Taipei

1989 Modern Gallery/Taichung

1988 Howard Salon/Taipei

1986 American Cultural Center/Taipei

1986 Tainan Cultural Center/Tainan

Group Exhibitions

2013 Neo Art League/Whittier Art Gallery

2012~2014 The Art Exhibition of Taiwanese Artist

2010~2014 Taiwanese American Heritage Week/Orange County

2010 Salon d’Automne

2009 Neo Art League/Whittier Art Gallery

2008 X’Musume Exhibition/Pomona

Long Beach Art Association Exhibitions

2006 Sunten Museum

2003 N4 + H.S. Exhibition

2000 Bowers Mesume Fund Raising Exhibition

1995 Taiwan Association for Human Right’s Post Exhibition/Taipei

1988~1995 The Women’s Art Association of Taipei/Taipei

1991 LA ARTCORE Five Artists Exhibition/Los Angeles

3 Women’s Art Exhibition/Taipei

Join exhibition of Taiwan Artists in America/Los Angeles

1990 Joint Exibition in U.C.I./Irvine, California

1988 3 Women’s Art Exhibition/Tainan Cultural Center

1987 42nd Provincial Taiwan Art Exhibition/Taiwan

1986 22nd Asia Modern Art Exhibition/Japan

5th Yung-Sheng Phoenix Exhibition/Tainan

“Who’s who in Art, 1986”/Kaohsiung

1985 21st Asia Modern Art Exhibition/Japan

48th Tai-Yang art Exhibition/Taipei

40th Provincial Taiwan Art Exhibitio/Taiwan

1984 20th Asia Modern Art Exhibition/Japan

3rd Yung-Sheng Phoenix Exhibition/Tainan

1983 Yi-Yuan Joint Exhibition/Taipei

Works Collected By

Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

Sunten Museum

Taipei Medical College

Cheng Kung University Medical School

Collected by individuals in America, England, Japan, Taiwan.

Future Stars未來小將 Future Stars 48×48″
Playing with Water夏日戲水 Playing with Water 79.5×80.5″
Homage to Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung向林義雄先生致敬 Homage to Mr. Lin Yi-hsiung 72×50″
Town During Holiday假日小鎮 Town During Holiday 89×40″
Ethan Ethan的童年 Ethan 48×48″


For more bio information, please click link in Who’s Who :  460. Huai Shion Tsai 蔡蕙香