Komi Chen 郭香美
郭香美1943出生於台灣省台北市,從小在父親(郭雪湖)丶母親 (林阿琴)及大姊(郭禎祥)的繪畫藝境中薰陶觀摩,硏習探究,長大後,又進入台灣省台北國立師範大學美術系(National Taiwan Normal University.School of Fine arts)接受正規的美術教育,奠定了紮實的繪畫基礎。1968年赴美就讀匹兹堡大學圖書館管理,除了於當地社區大學(Monroeville Community College)教授中國繪畫外,也參加匹兹堡多項藝術活動,並代表中華民國作臨場示範表演。
1981-1998隨夫婿返台後摒除所有外務.因為離開家郷多年,這期間發現傳統的古蹟廟宇丶民俗慶典等活動很有特色,開始以膠彩畫進行創作,於1991在台北市東之畫廊(East Gallery )舉行個展。
1998再度飛越太平洋,返回美國,目前定居扵北加州聖荷西(San Jose)。
(National Museum of History) 的邀請舉行「躍動的音符」郭香美膠彩畫展
(Moving Melodies:The Eastern Gouache Paintings of Komi Chen)。
Born in Taipei in 1943, Komi Chen grew up in art painting family and was influenced by her father Kuo Hsueh Hu, mother A Chin Kuo and eldest sister Ann Kuo. She studied and explored as she grew up. Moreover, Komi Chen entered National Taiwan Normal University School of Fine arts in order to receive formal art education. This period has laid down solid foundation of her painting.
In 1968, Komi pursued her study at the University of Pittsburgh School of Library and Information Sciences in the United States majoring Library Management. Furthermore, she taught Chinese painting at Monroeville Community College. Komi also spent time participating in various art activities in Pittsburgh and represented Republic of China during a live demonstration.
From 1981 to1998, Komi followed her husband to return to Taiwan. Due to the fact that she had lived outside Taiwan for a number of years, Komi began to rediscover the country’s traditional landmarks, monuments, temples, folk celebrations and any other special activities. She began using gouache in her paintings and had a solo exhibition at East Gallery in Taiwan.
In 1998, Komi once again flew across Pacific Ocean and returned to the United States. She currently resides in San Jose in Northern California. Upon invitation of Yu Teng Chang,Director of National Museum of Histoy in Taipei, “Moving Melodies” TheEastern Gouache Paintings Exhibition of Komi Chen was held in 2017.
I have the blessings of receiving both Eastern and Western cultures. The multi-cultural traveling to different parts of the world in Europe, Asia, Africa and America had enabled me to encounter various fantastic folk cultures. With added piano musical elements and attributes of unique painting styles, subjects in the paintings such as people, animals, birds, fish, etc. seem to come alive. The picturesque stories are contained within full of rhythms, beauties and emotions.
春心蕩漾/Longing Hearts: 2012 膠彩/壯紙 45“ x 92.5”
嫁娶/Traditional Wedding:1997 膠彩/宣紙 45” x 92.5”
展姿迎人/Welcoming Elegance: 1992 膠彩/宣紙 31.5” x 49”
舞龍/Dragon Festival:1996 膠彩/宣紙 45” x 92.5”
我會不會太重?/Am I Too Heavy? 2004 膠彩/絹 17” x 19”
圓滿歡樂/Happy Ending : 2016 膠彩/壯紙 45“ x 84”
Source from Mrs. Komi Chen/CA 04/2020
Posted in 04/2020