55. Li-Huey Lai Memorial Scholarship Award 賴張麗惠紀念獎學金


Li-Huey Lai Memorial Scholarship Award

1 Objective
  ·      目的在紀念賴張麗惠的一生。賴張麗惠深具愛心,對雙城台美人社區的貢獻卓越。麗惠是台灣台北人,在明州居住期間,致力於提倡台灣及其文化。為紀念她的奉獻精神,這項獎學金提供目前在明尼蘇達大學雙城校區就讀的台灣留學生財務支助。
2 Qualification of Recipients
  ·      目前在明尼蘇達大學雙城校區就讀的台灣留學生。
  ·      獎學金以來自台灣的大學部和研究所的留學生為對象,學生必須沒有接受台灣政府或明州大學提供的全額財務支助,包括獎學金、教學和研究助學金。
3 Territories Cover and number of Recipient
  ·      Minnesota area.
  ·      1 awards
4 Prizes
  ·      $1500 / Recipient
  ·      A plague engraved with the name of recipient.
5 Sponsors by:
  ·      Taiwanese Association of America – Minnesota Chapter
6 Status:Unknown
7 Website:


獎學金說明:此獎學金由賴瑞宏贊助, 設立於明州台灣同鄉會(TAAMN), 以紀念他的先妻賴張麗惠女士的一生. 賴瑞宏是台北士林人,  退休科學家,  居住雙城四十多年, 關懷社區, 熱愛台灣. 賴張麗惠是台灣台北人, 一生深具愛心. 在明州居住期間,致力於提倡台灣及其文化, 對雙城台美人社區的貢獻卓越。為紀念她的奉獻精神,這項獎學金提供目前在明尼蘇達大學雙城校區就讀的台灣留學生財務支助,金額$1,500,獎狀一張。




申請表格刊登在明州台灣同鄉會的網站(,明大台灣同學會的網站 (。

審核與選擇:獎學金委員會由以下成員組成:黃政哲(明大教授)、胡維碩(明大教授)、盧盈裕(3M科學家)、賴瑞宏(退休科學家)、曾啟明 (退休科學家)、游本中(明大教授)、和台灣同鄉會會長鄭光生(電腦工程師). 審核與選擇依據以下標準:財務需要、全部成績、個人聲明的優點、指導教授的推薦。 課程按時進展的申請人將優先考慮。



Juey H. Lai, Ph.D

14617 White Oak Drive

Burnsville, MN 55337

Li-Huey Lai Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship Description: This TAAMN scholarship was established by Juey Hong Lai in memory of his wife Li-Huey Lai. Juey Hong Lai, a native of Taipei Shihlin, retired scientist, has lived in Twin Cities for more than 40 years with strong love for the communities of Twin Cites and his home town Taiwan.

Li-Huey Lai, a native of Taiwan Taipei, devoted her life to the promotion of Taiwan and its culture in Minnesota. A compassionate woman who made significant contribution to the Taiwanese American community in the Twin Cities. In memory of her dedication, the scholarship provides need-based financial assistance to students from Taiwan who are studying at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The scholarship carries a $1,500 cash award and a certificate.

Eligibility: The scholarships are open to both undergraduate and graduate students from Taiwan who currently is not receiving full financial aids, including fellowship, teaching and research assistantship, either from the Taiwan government or from the Universities. Students who are studying at the universities in the state of Minnesota is encouraged to apply Suji Lee Scholarship. For Li-Huey Lai Memorial Scholarship, the applicant must be a full-time student registered at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. The awards are intended to help the recipients make timely progress toward graduation.

Application: The applicant should submit one copy of the following documents: 1) Completed application form, 2) Official transcript, 3) Proof of registration for the academic year, 4) A letter of recommendation from the faculty adviser. The letter should indicates that the applicant not receiving any fellowship, scholarship or assistantship from the department, and 5) One page personal statement in English. The statement should include information about the applicant’s background, financial need, long-term goals, and achievements.

The application form can be downloaded from the TAAMN website (, the University of Minnesota Taiwan Student Association website ( or TAAMN September Newsletter.

Review and Selection: The scholarship committee is consisted of the following members:  Cheng-Cher Huang (UofM professor) , Wei-Shou Hu (UofM professor), Juey Hong Lai (retired scientist), Ying-Yu Lu (3M scientist), Chi-Ming Tseng (retired scientist), Pen-Chung Yew (UofM professor), and the president of TAAMN Kuang -Shen Cheng (computer engineer). The review and selection will be based on the following criteria: financial need, overall academic record, and Recommendation from the faculty adviser.  Preference will be given to the applicant who is making timely progress toward graduation.

Deadline: The application must be post-marked on or before November 1.  The recipients will be announced on December 1 and posted on the TAAMN website and TSA website.  The awards will be presented at the annual New Year Party of TAAMN held in February.  The recipients must be present to receive the scholarship.

Please send the application package to the scholarship committee chairman at the following address:

Juey H. Lai, Ph.D

14617 White Oak Drive

Burnsville, MN 5533




Source from Dr. J. Lai 12/2017

Posted in 12/2017