58. Carol Ou 歐逸青, Cellist/2014/10

Carol Ou 歐逸青, DMA, Cellist 大提琴家

Compiled and Translated by 張理美醫師 Lii Mei B. Tsai, MD



A versatile artist, cellist Carol Ou is known for her “fiery, marvelous” and “meltingly melodic outpourings.” (Boston Globe)  As the cellist of the Carpe Diem String Quartet and the Buswell-Ou Duo, she frequently tours all over the US performing a zesty mix of classical, contemporary and crossover repertoire.  Solo recitals and other collaborations have been with celebrated performers James Buswell, Hillary Hahn, Kim Kashkashian, Timothy Eddy, Pascal Rogé, and Robert Levin at the Marlboro Music Festival, Summerfest La Jolla, Australian Festival of Chamber Music, Nevada Chamber Music Festival, and other noted music festivals.

At ease with the diverse musical styles of the last five centuries, Ou regularly programs traditional European masterworks with more eclectic works in concert.  She has recorded three of the most beloved cello concerti by Haydn, Tchaikovsky, and Elgar and premiered several new compositions written for her.  American composers such Richard Toensing and Daniel Pinkham have dedicated works to her.  Other unusual works that she has performed include Tan Dun’s Ghost Opera for string quartet and pipa, Peter Sculthorpe’s string quartet with didjeridu, and Reza Vali’s Calligraphy no. 4 for string quartet and the Persian santoor.

Carol Ou’s discography includes many solo and chamber music discs issued by Chi-Mei, Naxos, CRI, and Albany Records.  Her three solo and concerti recordings are all issued by the Chi-Mei Foundation in Taiwan.  Recently completed recordings include two CDs of Sergei Taneyev’s String Quartets (Vol. 4 & 5) on Naxos and solo cello and string quartet works by Reza Vali in “The Book of Calligraphy” issued by Albany Records.  Her recording of Walter Piston’s Chamber Music won the 2001 Chamber Music America’s Best Chamber Music CD award.

A graduate of Yale University, Ms. Ou received her BA magna cum laude from Yale College and her MM and DMA in music performance from the Yale School of Music.  She has taught cello students at Yale and MIT, and was the director of strings, chamber music and orchestral studies at Gordon College.  Between 2006-2013, she was also the director of chamber music at the Heifetz International Music Institute in Wolfeboro, NH and Staunton, VA.  She is currently on the cello faculty at the NYU Steinhardt School of Music and Music Professions and also teaches at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston where she is also the assistant chair of strings at the conservatory’s School of Continuing Education. In addition to her regular teaching duties, Ms. Ou travels internationally to give cello and chamber music master classes on five continents, most recently in Hong Kong, Turkey, and Italy.

歐逸青出生於台灣臺北, 十歲赴洛杉磯. 跟隨 Gretchen Geber 學大提琴. 之後她又拜師Ronald Leonard, Janos Starker, 和 Aldo Parisot等. 她曾獲得1998年美國傑出女性第一獎, 美國聯邦音樂俱樂部青年音樂家競賽首獎, 以及Irving M. Klein國際弦樂比賽首獎. 由於表現傑出, 贏得各地評論家與聽眾的心, 都給與好評; 其彈奏技巧與風格受到肯定.

多才多藝的大提琴家 歐逸青是出名於她的 “火熱的, 驚妙的” 和 “動人心弦的旋律流露“ (Boston Globe) 以及她的 “絕妙純清的大提琴音色和敏銳的技巧” (The Strad Magazine). 現在屬於”即日歡樂四重奏弦樂團” 的大提琴手她常常到美國各地, 演奏各種熱情又有風味的傳統古典音樂及現代四重奏弦樂目錄, 誇越很多音樂型式. 華盛頓郵報對”即日歡樂四重奏弦樂團” 近日的演出如此報導: 這是在國家藝術院音樂廳 的西邊花園的一個冒險性又常令人驚奇的現代音樂會… 1934 Bela Bartok 的同樣的的多變異的”第五弦樂四重奏“, 其合弦的敲擊及狂掃的樂景所激起的興奮繼續至白熱化”. 除了與四弦樂團的表演之外, 她也常與兩重奏的伴侶, 傑出的美國小提琴家, James Buswell, 出演二重奏和協奏曲. 歐逸青亦曾與很多出名音樂家出演, 如Hillary Hahn, Kim Kashkashian, Timothy Eddy, Pascal Rogé, Robert Levin, and András Schiff at the Marlboro 音樂節, Summerfest La Jolla, Australian Festival of Chamber Music, Nevada Chamber Music Festival, 以及其他有名的音樂節.

歐逸青曾多次應邀在美, 加, 蘇聯, 以及亜洲地區, 舉行獨奏會. 1996年參與台灣總統府音樂會的演出. 她曾獲得台灣奇美文化基金會藝術人才培訓獎學金, 並為奇美錄製一 系列大提琴名曲CD. 她經常與Midori, Felix Galimir, Timpthy Eddy, Andras Schiff, Richard Goode 等音樂家合作演出. 並常在Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, La Jolla Chamber Music Festival 和 Marlboro Music Festival等音樂節演出.

悠然於過去五世紀中各色各樣的音樂型態, 歐逸清經常安排節目包括傳統的歐洲名作和較 折衷性的作品. 她曾錄製海頓, 柴可夫斯基, 和耶而格三位最受喜愛的大提琴音樂會作品及多次首演特為她寫作的曲子. 她在臺北首演蕭泰然的大提琴協奏曲, 也與蕭泰然到美國各地和新加波 合作首演很多獨奏以及室內樂作品. 美國作曲家如 Richard Toensing 和故 Daniel Pinkham都曾為她作曲. 其他她演奏過的的不尋常的作品包括Tan Dun 的弦樂四重奏與琵芭 ”幽靈歌劇”, Peter Sculthorpe’s 弦樂四重奏與didjeridum管樂器, 及 Reza Vali 的 “第四號書法” 弦樂四重奏與波斯Santur樂器. 2014春季她與拉丁格萊米Grammy得獎人與bandoneon大師, Raul Juarena 合奏Piazzolla的”Buenos Aires的四季”. 她和知名banjo 琴手 Jayme Stone合奏許多節目, 包含巴哈的 “Art of the Fugues”, 西非的頌讚歌曲, Bulgarian 舞及bluegrass 小提琴音樂.

歐逸清是耶魯大學畢業生. 她以第二名畢業大學, 並拿到耶魯音樂學院的音樂碩士, 和音樂演藝博士. 她在耶魯大學和麻州理工學院教大提琴學生, 也是Gordon College 弦樂, 室內樂及管弦樂研究學系的系主任. 從 2006 至 2013 她任職Welfeboro, NH 與Staunton, VA的海菲茲國際音樂學院室內樂主任. 目前她任職於波斯頓新英格蘭音樂學院教授. 除這些正式教職之外, 歐逸清常遠行至德國, 西班牙, 盧森堡, 阿根廷, 烏克蘭, 澳大利, 台灣, 加拿大, 和美國各地教大師班.

歐逸清的獨奏錄製全由台灣奇美基金會出版. 她在二十世紀演奏目錄的錄製是以Naxos and CRI 商標的. 她的Walter Piston 的室內樂錄製, Naxos 出版的, 贏得2001年美國最佳室內樂CD首獎.


For more bio information, please click link in Who’s Who : 570. Carol Ou 歐逸青