68. Helen Lee 李雪玟, Soprano/2014/10

Helen Lee 李雪玟 , Soprano

聲樂家李雪玟任教於內華達大學(University of Nevada, Reno)音樂系。2006年五月榮獲傑出教學獎,擔任過該校國際教授榮譽學會的會長,在加拿大蒙特利奧舉行的世界大會中接受到特別傑出的表揚。經常被邀 請到內華達州及加州的重要節目場合代表獻唱美國國歌,為台美人爭光。李雪玟在紐約巿的卡內基廳(Carnegie Hall)及林肯藝術表演中心(Lincoln Center)有數度成功的演唱,曾應日本鈴木音樂社的邀請赴日本作巡迴演唱,在日本電視上接受訪問及表演。

李雪玟教授生於台灣屏東金融世家。從小成績優異,經常代表學校參加各種學術及藝術比賽,經常得獎。在屏東女中直升高中後,即獲屏東縣聲樂比賽冠軍, 隨即參加全國獨唱比賽,再度得獎。在就讀文化大學音樂系時,受到美國國務院派遣台灣的蕭滋教授的賞識,經常在他指揮下,擔任最重要的女高音角色,並為幸福 唱片灌了全台灣第一張古典音樂的世界名曲集。李雪玟對文學寫作的熱愛,曾在一次全國徵文比賽中獲獎。大四時,即獲美國楊氏大學Brigham Young University 助教獎學金,隨即赴美深造。

她是首位在美國大都會歌劇院選拔賽獲獎的台灣人女高音,李教授曾為兩度奧運金牌的德籍女花式溜冰冠軍卡大莉娜在拍攝電視特別表演,在當場實況轉播 時,為她演唱她的溜冰曲,該節目全球皆有轉播。她也在台北愛樂基金會的邀請下, 回到她熱愛的鄉土,於國家音樂廳舉辦了令觀眾感動的音樂會,並曾以交換教授回台灣師範大學作短期教學與巡迴演唱。她所到之處,皆盡量鼓勵大家對美麗寶島的 真愛,並把握每個機會來增強台灣人的自信與尊嚴。2007年六月北美洲台灣人教授協會特別頒獎給李雪玟,因她對台灣及台美人的貢獻。同年三月FAPA25 週年慶典特地回台演唱,與陳水扁總統、呂秀蓮副總統同台。


5/2003 Performance for APEC conference, Atlanta, GA

7/2003 Music presentation, SETAA Summer Conference, Macon, GA

5/2004 Concert, Taiwanese Heritage Week, Houston, TX

7/2004 Music Presentation, STAA Summer Conference, Houston, TX

12/2004 Faculty Exchange Teaching, National Taiwan Normal University, Guest Artist, NTNU Symphony Concert Tours

3/2005 Music presentation, NATWA Annual Conference, Kansas City, KS

5/2005 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, University of Nevada, Reno, NV

9/2005 Music Performance, World Taiwanese Christians Conference, Houston, TX

12/2005 Fundraising Concert for San Diego Taiwan Center, San Diego, CA (US $100,000 raised).

2/2006 228 Memorial Concert, San Francisco, CA

3/2006 Outstanding Alumna Award and a Command Performance, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

3/2006 Organized and led a UNR faculty group to visit and perform in Taiwan

5/2006 Guest Artist and MC in English Language, Taiwanese Culture Festival, Atlanta, GA

7/2006 Music Presentation “Love in Many Languages”, the 26th NATPA Annual Conference, Newark, CA

12/2006 Fundraising Concert, Building Funds for Taiwanese Church, San Diego, CA

2/2007 228 Commemoration Presentation, Stanford University, CA

2/2007 Concert, Sacramento FAPA Chapter, CA

3/2007 Special Music Performance, FAPA 25th Anniversary Conference, Taipei, Taiwan

4/2007 Supervised Taiwanese Students Association at the “Night of All Nations”, University of Nevada, Reno, NV.

4/2007 Speech, Nevada State Senate Committee Meeting on the bills of Taiwan’s application for WHO and the Taiwan/US Free Trade Agreement

9/2007 Concert performance to commemorate Pacific Times 25th Anniversary, Los Angeles, CA

1/2008 Concert and speech tours in Taiwan to promote Taiwanese culture and heritage

3/2008 Performance for World Taiwanese Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

2/2009 Guest performer and speaker for the NATPA South CA Chapter conference, Los Angeles, CA

4/2009 Honored for the contributions to the Music Department at an international concert, UNR, Reno, Nevada

5/2009 Performance for TRA 30th Anniversary and for March for Taiwan, Capital Hills, Washington DC

5/2009 Guest Artist for Miami Taiwanese Culture Week, with general consuls from 11 nations presented at the concert

7/2009 Invited performer and speaker for the TAA/East Coast Summer Conference


Source from43屆美東台灣人夏令會 2012/07

More information please click in who’s who: 1313. Helen Lee 李雪玟