53. In memory of 228 Event, 1948 by Taiwanese Americans in the U. S./2015/02 February 9, 2015 Admin3 Photos of Activities In memory of 228 Event, 1948 by Taiwanese Americans in the U. S. 紀念228在紐約 大紐約區二二八紀念會李正三會長感謝王克雄博士(左) 2.28 台灣心靈日 – 68th 紀念音樂會 Related Posts:885. 全球快閃記憶體鋒會 台裔美籍許富菖奪創新大獎 | 09/2023884. 緬懷我摯愛的父親吳聖麒 | 08/2023385. Grand Opening of the Center for Taiwan Studies…1371. Taiwanese Awakening | 06/2023 /Literature384. A Year-end Message from the Founding Director…