858. 北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003-2014 / NATMA /2014/-/Magazines/雜誌

北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003-2014

858_北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003858_北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003 - 0001


NATMA代表我們,隔著太平洋與綠色母國台灣遙遙相望。義診團希望能把台灣的愛心傳到海外,愛心以美國國旗的三個顏色代表來自台美人,文字Taiwan cares以英文及西文並列。

This flag includes Taiwan, NATMA, and the United States, and symbolizes the love and care of Taiwanese Americans for those countries in need of medical care.

Team flag was designed from the ideas of Dr. Simon Lin originally



“It is more blessed to give than to receive” – Bible

NATMA基金會董事長 許昭雄858_北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003 - 0002

Chao-Hsiung Hsu, M.D., NATMA Foundation Chairman

北美洲台灣人醫師協會(簡稱NATMA)自1983年由周烒明醫師在Cleveland, Ohio倡議成立至1984年選出周博士擔任NATMA的首屆總會長。北美洲台灣人醫師協會成立的宗旨之一是要每一個會員均能成為全人類貧病的醫者,並增進國際間人道的支持與醫學的交流。我們這十年來的國際義診一直抱着「醫療無國界」的理想在前進。

1997之後NATMA的另一重要任務是與台灣各界熱心人士組團到日内瓦街道和WHO的大門外去抗議示威要求讓台灣加入國際衛生組織。如此過了好幾年而無所獲。到了2003年,NATMA總會終於覺悟必須採取更積極更有影響力的方式,來促進我們台灣的國際地位,乃於紐約正式組成「NATMA International Medical Mission」「北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診團」。成立時,總會發表了Mission的三個目的:

  1. Provide free medical services to underserved communities in developing countries.
  2. Provide advanced training to medical and paramedical personnel.
  3. Improve relationships with all countries and ask for support in the effort to admit Taiwan into WHO.

每次我們去邦交國義診之前,經文處、外交部、台灣大使及幾乎所有使館人員全部動員,積極配合受義診國政府的需求,這是我們這幾年來義診成功的主要因素。此外,NATMA義診團每一位團員都要自付在義診期間的所有費用。大家都想當台灣的草根大使來為我國在國際上效力。自從2003年赴GRENADA進行首度國際 義診後,一直到2014年十年間,我們到過哥斯達黎加、巴拿馬、瓜地馬拉、尼加拉瓜、海地、多明尼加、貝里斯等邦交國,最後一次是去與台灣無邦交的緬甸。


我們更要感激加州選出的聯邦眾議員Ed Royce和Judy Chu(趙美心)及紐澤西州的聯邦參議員Frank Lautenberg. 在過去十年間,這幾位議員曾多次寫信照會航空公司以及機場的美國國土安全部門,讓義診團眾多的器材行李能迅速地順利通關。



This special publication marks the tenth anniversary of the North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) International Medical Mission. Beginning with the Grenada Medical Mission in 2003, NATMA has built a decade-long record of diplomacy with developing countries by providing
them with humanitarian aid, medical charity, and funds to support ongoing healthcare needs.

NATMA International Medical Mission was established with three objectives:

  1. Provide free medical services to underserved communities in developing countries;
  2. Provide advanced training to medical and paramedic personnel;
  3. Improve relationships with all countries and ask for their support in the effort to admit Taiwan into the World Health Organization (WHO).

With critical assistance from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Taiwan’s ambassadors to developing countries, NATMA launched its first medical mission in Caribbean Island. Since then, NATMA has served medical missions in Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Belize and, most recently, Myanmar. In each case, the meticulously competent assistance of host-country officials greatly facilitated the successful execution of the mission.

I want to extend my sincere thanks to U.S. Congressman Ed Royce, U.S. Congresswoman Judy Chu and the late United States Senator Frank Lautenberg for their letters to different airlines and Department of Homeland Security/TSA in airports to allow NATMA International Medical Mission quickly pass check-in.

In this tenth anniversary special publication, NATMA Medical Missions would like to extend its deepest gratitude to the Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Taiwanese Overseas Community Affairs Council, and the Taiwanese Department of Health for their generous provision of grants and donations throughout the last decade. NATMA Foundation would like to thank NATMA members in generous donations for the production of this special issue. Finally NATMA Medical Missions commends its corps of medical mission members- whose persistent hard work and dedication continually evolves NATMA International Medical Missions, making it a stronger and more effective organization each year.


One picture is worth a thousand words

照片組召集人 林榮松858_北美洲台灣人醫師協會國際義診十周年紀念專輯 2003 - 0003

Photo coordinator Simon Lin, M.D.











In this photo book, you will find that the North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) medical mission has its unique characteristics, those which do not exist in other teams.

1 .Big group with multiple specialties – With over one thousand members, NATMA has the resources to recruit
experienced specialists in various medical fields. On average, we serve 1,000 patients a day and provide
services in internal medicine, family medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, surgery, ophthalmology, optometry, physical therapy and rehabilitation, acupuncture, and dentistry. Our dental team performs multiple procedures with the help of portable dental units.

2.Outreach and charity – We conduct health education and medical seminars at local medical schools and hospitals. Furthermore, we donate funds or goods to the community.

3.Health Diplomacy – NATMA’s medical missions are well recognized by allied governments. We were fortunate to meet with the ministers of Health and Foreign Affairs Departments in various countries. Notably, we were also person ally welcomed by the President of Nicaragua, the Vice President of the Domini can Republic, as well as the First Ladies of Panama, Belize, and Guatemala. Through building relationships with these countries, we emphasize that Taiwan (ROC) is a sovereign nation. Our goal is to help our motherland by gaining recognition in an international setting.

This photo book, which commemorates NATMA’s 11 years of volunteer medical services, is a milestone of NATMA’s charity work. I hope it inspires our younger generation of physicians to follow in our footsteps.


Posted in 2015/09