Taiwan Hotel-Motel Association of Greater Houston (THMAGH) 休士頓美南台灣旅館公會



本會創始於1991年, 由一群來自台灣到異地打拼的前輩, 共同創立。會員包含許多美國知名連鎖旅館業者及獨立的旅館業者。此網站設立目的,希望提供會員即時線上資訊及相互交流的園地,並舆夲會姊妹會和 相關網站連線。

Founded by area Taiwanese hotel/motel owners in 1991, the Taiwan Hotel-Motel Association of Greater Houston (THMAGH) serves to promote cooperation by sharing of information and experiences among members, provide assistances to members on all aspects of the hospitality.

THMAGH were founded with members of hotel/motel owners and honorary. Over the years THMAGH has grown to include other area business associates. It is thus extended its influence and reaches in the business and Chinese-American community, providing community service, networking, charity, etc.

Currently it has established sister associations with Taiwan Hotel & Motel Association of Southern California (南加卅台灣旅館業同業公會), Kaohsiung Hotel Association (高雄市旅館商業同業公會) and Taipei Hotel Association (台北市旅館商業同業公會). 
