TAIWAN YES (台灣夜市) HOUSTON / TAA of Houston


We are back in HOUSTON! In April 15, 2017, the exiting event, 4th TAIWAN YES, TAIWAN FESTIVAL will be returning to Taiwanese Comunity Center Houston! This year we have the honor to invite our SUPER talented Taiwanese Rapper, also our Son of Houston, Witness 黃崇旭 and East Wind Band 東風樂團 to play with us the WHOLE DAY.

Among all Eastern Asian cultures, Taiwan is always ranked at the top for its variety of food choices and service quality. 「Taiwan Yes 台灣夜市」will be serving the same quality food and fabulous activities to Houstonians!


Taiwan Yes 台灣夜市活動將會如往年一樣推出各式台灣味小吃及遊戲,除了讓在美國的台灣人重新回味童年夜市生活外,也希望能藉著這個活動,匯聚休士頓台灣人社區的共同記憶。這次除了以往熱賣的人氣小吃,當天還有商品攤位,出售台灣特色產品,有吃又有得逛!您熟悉的彈珠台、撈金魚等遊戲,也都等著您來贏大獎!


Taiwan Yes (台灣夜市) Houston is a cultural event hosted by Taiwanese Association of America, Houston Chapter. It’s also known as Taiwanese Night Market Festival. The purpose of this exciting event is to introduce and promote Taiwan’s culture, especially, the activities in the night market to communities in the greater Houston areas. It is an event full of great food, exuberant activities, and lots of fun.

Taiwan has been renown by its manufacturing in high-tech industries and hard-working people. To tourists around the world, Taiwanese snacks and night-market activities are also the key attractions. Among all Eastern Asian countries, Taiwan is always ranked at the top for its variety of food choices and service quality. 「Taiwan Yes 台灣夜市」 will deliver the same quality food and fabulous activities to Houstonians without paying a dime in airfare! Furthermore, almost every Taiwanese shares the common childhood memory with night-market activities (e.g. a tasty roasted sausage won from a pin-ball game). Taiwan Yes 台灣夜市」 will be the extraordinary opportunity to reunite all Taiwanese Americans in the great Houston area to recognize “We are part of Houston community”!

When Taiwan Yes Night Market Festival was first launched last year, there were more than 4,000 people from the greater Houston area participating this event. This year, we are expecting much more participants. So, what are you waiting for? Mark your calendar on April, 18. Come and join us with great food and fun! And, you don’t wanna your friends and family members to miss out this fantastic festival, too.

感謝去年大家熱情的支持,讓第一屆台灣夜市小吃美食園遊會,人山人海,熱鬧非凡,留下一個難忘的記憶。今年的四月十八日星期六,上午十點半起至下午四點半止,台灣同鄉會將在我們共同的家-台灣人活動中心,擴大舉辦第二屆的「Taiwan Yes台灣夜市」小吃美食園遊會!如果去年你沒吃到,或者排隊太長,今年食材準備充足,動線都重新規劃,一定讓你吃得開心,玩得歡心!

「Taiwan Yes台灣夜市」小吃美食園遊會,將遠近聞名的台灣小吃,以及台灣夜市攤位的遊戲,原味重現在休士頓,讓遠離家鄉的台灣人,輕解那濃郁鄉愁的滋味與記憶,並且,進一步把台灣夜市文化之美,推介給在休士頓的其他族裔。事實上,藉由這個園遊會的舉辦,我們大家正在創造休士頓台灣人社區的集體共同記憶,也經由同鄉們共同的參與,逐步建構一個專屬於台灣人社區的榮耀感。
