1105. Dr. Sam Shee 施哲三醫師

English Name Dr. Sam Shee  

Hanji Name 施哲三醫師
Birth Year 1938
Birth Place Changhua, Taiwan
First year / First city / State in U.S. 1965/-/-
Address IL
Family 1. Wife: 陳維琳
2. Daughter: —
3. Son: —
Education School Name Year – Year Degree and major
1. Kaohsiung Medical Univ.


2. Northwestern Univ.


M.S., Business Administration
Employment Company Name Year – Year Position or title
1. Meriter Hospital, Madison, Wisconsin


Director of Pathology and Director of Laboratory
2. Institute of Pathological Technology


First President
Accomplishment 1. Renowned Artist

2. Expert on Pathology, Clinical Pathology and Nuclear Medicine (病理學、臨床病理學及核子醫學的專家)

3. Founder of Shee Highland Musée And Studio (施哲三海嵐美術館及工作室) 1999

4. Founder of Vital Med Laboratories (唯生化驗公司) 1984

5. Founder of Vital International Corp. (偉特國際有限公司)1990

6. Sponsored Many Art Shows in U.S., Taiwan and Other Countries

7. Published Three Art Books and One Hanji Book

8. Outstanding Taiwanese American Elected by T.A. Archives in 09/2018

Publication(Non-professional) 1. 從醫學到藝術心路歷程, 1995

2. 施哲三油畫選集(一) 1996, (二) 1998, (三) 2003


For more information, please click link in artist: 9. 施哲三 Sam Shee