365. Martin Tsai 蔡明峰

English Name Martin Tsai  

Hanji Name 蔡明峰
Birth Year
Birth Place Taiwan
First year / First city / State in U.S. -/-/-
Family 1. Wife: —
2. Daughter: —
3. Son: —
Education School Name Year – Year Degree and major
1. –

Employment Company Name Year – Year Position or title
1. Tai Development Co.

2. Feng Chia Univ.

Associate Professor
3. Yamatake Honeywell

Chemical Engineer
Accomplishment 1. Founder of WWW.TAIWANUS.NET (台灣海外網創設人) 2005

2. President of The Greater New York Region Overseas Taiwanese Pen Club (大紐約區海外台灣人筆會會長) 2018

3. Director general of New York Taiwan Center (紐約台灣會館理事長) 2010-2012

4. President of Taiwanese Association of America / Northern New Jersey Chapter (北紐澤西同鄉會會長) 1982-1984

5. President of Taiwanese Association of America /Greater New York Chapter (大紐約區台灣同鄉會會長) 1978-1980

6. Outstanding Taiwanese American Elected by T.A. Archives in 09/201
