1424. Long Lee李隆吉/ 2016/12

Name 李隆吉 教授  


Prof. Long Lee
Birth Year
Birth Place 台灣/-
First year, first city and state arrived in the U.S. -/-/-
Address San Diego/CA
Family 1. Wife: 須藤正子
2.Daughter: –
3.Son: –
Education 1.台灣大學 1964 B.S. Physics
 2.University of Southern California 1967 M.A. Physics
3. University of Southern California 1971 Ph.D. Physics
Employment San Diego State University


1982-present Professor
Accomplishment 1.聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會會長,1993
2.Awarded by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research from 2.1978-1989
3. Awarded by the National Science Foundation
4.Awarded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Publication(Non-professional ones)
Website or Blog
Source from 台灣公論報第1473期 1996/07