13. Youth Orchestra, CYCNY 紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團


The Youth Orchestra is a Queens-based youth orchestra since 1996, and has been a 501 (c) (3) organization since 2002. Our mission is to provide orchestra training and performing opportunities for musical students age 10-18, with unique repertory that in eludes Classical, Popular, Jazz, Broadway, Film, and Asia n music. The orchestra premieres and commissions works by American and Asian composers and has organized eleven summer con cert tours to Asia, Europe and the East Coasts for global cultural experiences.

New members are recruited through auditions in September and January. Weekly rehearsals take place at Middle School 158 in Bayside, New York from September to June. Our faculty members are: Chijen Christopher Chung (music director and strings teacher), Chi-Ching Grace Lin (percussion), Lovell Park Chang (winds & brass), Tony Huang (strings) and Hsinyi Huang (librarian). The orchestra presents two formal concerts annually: one Holiday Concert, free for the community during the holiday season in Queens and an Annual Con cert at Lincoln Center in the spring. The Orchestra also serves the Queens community by performing con certs at senior centers, community centers, and nursing homes.

紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團創立於1996年,1997年正式向紐約州政府註冊為非營利機構,現任音樂總監為梁兆豐博士, 指揮鍾啟仁, 同時聘請多位專業演奏家們共同協助指導六十多位之青少年團員,包括:郭強生博士/弦樂 、賴政雯/木管、張若葳/銅管, 林季靜/打擊樂等。行政人員計有: 藝術總監方秀蓉,行政總監翁月燕、譜務林郁芳等, 以及多位熱心家長們擔任義工, 自2002年起,獲得紐約市文化事務局基金贊助與肯定。

本團一直秉持著「服務社區,教育英才」及「幼吾幼以及人之幼」的理念,成立以來,在社區中多次親善演出,行跡遍及圖書館、公園、學校、耆老與復健中心、佛光山鹿野苑和台灣會館等。除每年定期聖誕演奏會於皇后區,以及林肯中心年度音樂會之外, 曾舉辦六次美亞巡迴(1997、1999、2002、2005, 2007,  2010),歐洲(2006), 以及兩次美國西岸(1998及2000)演奏之旅等,共舉行數十場親善交流音樂會於舊金山、洛杉磯、聖地牙哥、夏威夷、台北、台中、鹿港、高雄、金門, 香港、 廈門、 北京、上海、大阪、莎爾斯堡、維也納  、布拉格等,不僅開拓了團員們的視野,也達到了東西方音樂學生交流的使命。有關紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團的更多資訊,請參訪樂團網站 www.youthorchestra.com